Chapter 4 We're Not Talking About It

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Nobody talked about the game..or the kiss, the next day. We woke up to the sound of the boat engine roaring. I shot up and Jessica sat up after me. 
"Hm?" she said, still groggy. 
"Guys!" Tony yelled, "Were going tubing get dressed." Jessica almost pushed me out of the way she wanted to go tubing so badly. I laughed and Joe got up right then. 
"Hey guys.." He said. 
"Ben! Get up!!" jessica said slapping Ben. 
"YEE-OUCH." Ben said sitting up. I laughed some more and Jessica threw me my bathing suit. Then pulled the curtain so everyone could get dressed. 
My bathing suit was a lime green two-piece with hot pink paint splatters on it. Jessica had a bikini that was light blue and the bottoms had a smiley face on them. 
Jessica handed me a pop tart and we went out the door. It was sunny and the lake was clear and sparkling. I stretched and groaned. Then Ben and Joey came outside. Joey was wearing black swim trunks with a lime green and hot pink line going down each side. I sighed thinking about how totally hot he was. Ben, evidentally thought I was sighing about him and sang "I'm se xy and I know it!!" i laughed and hugged him again. 
"I love you Ben!" I said. 
"I know," he sighed, "I'm a heartbreaker.." I laughed. "Just kidding Al I love you too." 
"W-ah-ell..youre not the only one." I said playfully. 
"Oh yeahhh...that's a lie." He shoved me playfully. We all walked over to the dock and Jessica's mom was standing on the boat with their dad like a model, in her red bathing suit and black necklace and big black sunglasses. 
"Ready to go guys?" Their dad asked. 
"I'M ready." Jessica said, "Lets go!" I looked at Joey and we laughed and stepped onto th boat. Jessica was already getting in the tube. 
"We should go together." Joe said softly to me. I smiled. 
"Yeah we should go after Jess." i said. He smiled at me and walked off. 
Jessica ended up being a professional tuber and didn't fall of till she'd been on for like 20 minutes. 
"Finally!" Tony said. I laughed and started pulling the tube in for me and Joey. 
"Ready?" he said. 
"Why not?" I replied. Then he smiled and helped me on. I layed down so my stomach was just above the water, and then he got on and layed the same way right next to me. One arm around me and the other hand holding onto the handle. I blushed feeling his harm around me, by my waist. I put my one hand on the handle and the other in front of the tube to hold onto. 
"Ready? Joe's mom called. 
"Ready!" We shouted back. Joe's dad started off going slow and gradually got faster. I started screaming and Joe started laughing when he got to the maximum speed. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I felt like I might explode, in a good way. 
I felt myself start to slip and I yelled to Joe, 
"I'm about to go!" I said. 
"I won't let you fall! We gotta beat Jess' time!" he yelled back. His arm got tighter around me and I cuddled close to him and tried to close my hand around the handle again. Unfortunately, the handle was to slippery and I began to slip out of Joey's grasp. 
"Oh no!" I screamed. 
"Not without me you don't!" Joe said. He grabbed me and we flipped off together. 
We fell under water, despite the life jacket and he held my hand so I wouldn't go down too deep. Under the water I could see him and he smiled at me. I smiled back and then swam up to the surface. 
"5.2 minutes." Jessica said,"Faillll." I rolled my eyes and Joe and I swam to the boat.

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