Chapter 18 History

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  • Dedicated to to all my readers

I followed Ben into the guest room and confronted him. 
"What's wrong?" I asked. 
"You know dam well what's wrong." he replied. 
"Ben," I sighed, "When did you find out?" I ran my hand through my hair. He turned to look at me. 
"The summer after Joe found out. You were unhappy, I could see it, but you fought it. Everytime I made you laugh though...made me happy to see you happy. Everytime you smile I fall more and more in love with you." He looked to the ground. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered. 
"Like it would make a difference. You were always in love with 
You only thought of as a little brother. Never anything more." I sat down next to him on the bed. 
"Ben. Look, you are way to good for me. You are becoming a lawyer, and are gonna be making loads of're the most buff guy ever and are way to handsome." I said. He smiled. 
"You think I'm to good for you?" 
"No, I know you are. You deserve someone who's more stable- I'm a mess- and who could keep up with your smarts." He laughed a little bit. "Ben, I love you, but I've always thought of you as a little brother. I know it might take some time, but you'll find someone better, I know. We can keep the public affection on the DL when you're around." I smiled. He laughed again and hugged me. 
"Okay, Alley. I'll try." he whispered. He walked back out to the kitchen and I followed. Joe looked at me and I gave him an I'll-tell-you-later look. 
A while after dinner and desert, Joe and I left. 
"See you guys later!" I called walking out. When we were in his car he turned to look at me. 
"What was Bens problem?" his eyes stared intently into mine and I knew I had to tell him. So I spilled the beans of Ben's little crush. And what I said to him. 
"Ugh, I feel like I should've known. I feel so bad." 
"Ben is a tough guy, he'll get over this. He'll meet someone else." 
"That's what you said to me." 
"And you did." he rolled his eyes and turned up the radio. It was a station I liked, with all different music, from all different times. Believe it or not, the first song on was We Found Love. 
"No way!" I said. Joe looked at me and smiled widely and we began our duet. 
At the hotel I stopped at my door. 
"What are you doing?" Joe walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. 
"Going to bed, how bout you?" I replied sarcastically. 
"Oh you're gonna leave me?" 
"You know I couldn't if I tried." I looked into his light brown eyes and melted. The way he made me feel was something..magical and unexplainable. 
"I love you." we said in unison. We smiled and he kissed me, dragging me into his room. 
With him...I knew that everything would be good and we'd never have to worry. That no matter what as long as we were together nothing would be wrong. Id never have to question anything again. I knew who I was meant for. And I knew we would never be apart. Who knew what would come? But as long as we were together it would work itself out. :) 

~~~~~So this is the end i hope you liked it ~xoxo hailey

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