chapter 3 Truth or Dare?

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When we got to the cabin Joe, Jess, me, and Jessica's 8th grade brother got into the camper. Jess' mom, dad, and 6th grade brother Tony, went to the cabin. 
When we started unpacking Ben stopped suddenly and looked at us. 
"I'm playing truth or dare with you guys tonight." He said. I walked over to him and hugged him, he was soo cute in a little brother kind of way. 
"Ha ha- NO." Jessica said. 
"C'mon! You guys started playing when you were in 8th grade!" 
"He's gotta point." I said. 
"I don't see why not." Joe said. 
"Ugh. Fine." Jessica said. 
"Yes!! Can Sandra play too?" He asked. Sandra was the girl he liked, who also camped there. 
"Yup!" Jessica said glancing at Joe and smiling mischieviously. 
"Ughh." Joey said. He despised Sandra he thought she was sooo annoying. Joe, Jess, and I got ready to play while Ben called Logan and Sandra. 

"Okay truth or dare?" Ben asked me. 
"Hmm..truth." I said. We'd been playing for thirty minutes already, nothing interesting had happened yet. 
"Do you like anyone in this camper right now, if so, who?" I glanced at Jessica. And my heart sped up thinking about Joe sitting right next to me. 
"Umm...yes.." I said. 
"Who???" Joey asked. I looked at Jessica slowly. 
"Oh Alley!" she said in a southern accent. She hugged me. 
"It is true, my love." I said in a British accent. 
"How long have you known?" she asked. 
"I've loved you forever." 
"Oh my too!" She hugged me again and we all laughed. 
"Joe," I said, "Truth or dare?" 
"Dare." He smiled. 
"I dare you to jump into the lake../right now/." 
"Fine." He smiled mischievously, "But you guys have to come outside and watch.." 
"Wouldn't miss it." Ben grinned. We tiptoed outside and stood by the edge of the lake. Joe stood on the ledge of a hill to jump in. 
"One...two..three!" I yelled to him. He threw his shirt off and jumped in. 
"Holy sheeet!!" I laughed. 
"Alley," Logan said,"just say $ hit." Jessica and I laughed. We walked back to the camper and got back in a circle while Ben handed Joe a towel and dried off. 

At 10;30 I dared Logan to kiss Jess. They blushed so deep. 
"Um, sure." Logan mumbled shyly. He leaned in slowly and briefly touched his lips to hers. When they pulled away I said, 
"Awwww." Then Hannah hit me, I knew she liked him. Then it was Joey's turn. 
"Sandra, truth or dare." 
"Truth." Joe sighed. 
"Do you think Ben is an annoying and ugly?" 
"No!!!" Ben blushed and Sandra smiled at him. When it was Jessica's turn again she asked Joey a truth. 
"Would you ever date a 9th grader?" she asked. 
"Umm...I guess it depends..."He said looking down. 
10 Minutes passed and it was Jessica's turn again. 
"Alley truth or dare?" 
"Dare.." I said smiling. 
"I dare you to kiss Joey for at least 10 seconds." My mouth dropped and I stared at her for a long time. 
"And you have noo more chickens!" Ben laughed. I looked at Joey and he had a shy look on his face. 
"Um, do you mind?" I asked,"Just for the dare?" 
"No, it's fine." He smiled. I glared at Jessica one last time. Then I leaned in to him. His wet brown hair was covering half of his forehead and his cool minty breath was in my face and for a minute, I wanted to thank Jessica... His lips touched mine and just when I thought he was going to pull away, his arms wrapped around me and he opened his mouth a little wider, and my heart skipped a beat.. 
"Ten!" Ben said. Joe immediately pulled away and put his arms back under the blanket that was draped around him. I looked at Jessica and her mouth was open, kind of in a smile. I sighed. 
"Great Joey, you got me all wet." He caught the joke as soon as I did and we started laughing.

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