Chapter 5 Time To Go

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We only stayed for another day..and Jessica was extremely depressed. We were packing to leave when she had a brilliant idea. 
"Mom!" she said," Why don't you let Alley, Joe and I stay here by ourselves.?" Her mom looked shocked and said, 
"Maybe, I'll think about, next week..." Jessica frowned and stomped off to get her bags. 
"Hey Jess," Joe said, "I don't have my car anyway, so we'd be stranded..." 
"Yeah I guess.." she mumbled. I sat down on the couch waiting for her to finish and Joey sat next to me. 
"We should come alone next weekend." He said. 
"Why?" I asked. 
"Because, think about all the dumb stuff we could do if we were alone." He smiled. His teeth were the whitest I'd ever seen, and seemed to sparkle. 
"Yeah.." I smiled back. He stared into my eyes for a while and began to lean closer until he beard Jessica sigh and then snapped back and blushed. I giggled a little, but he stood up and walked out. Then I frowned, did I do something wrong? . 
On the way back Joe disn't really talk and we didn't listen to his iPod, like on the way there. I was kind of sad about this, but Jessica kept me laughing like always, with her conplaining about leaving and witty remarks to her parents. 

When we got to her house Joe ran upstairs to his room and me and Jessica stayed outside to tan. 
"So..what's with you and Joseph?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes at her. 
"What do you mean?" I sighed. 
"Ya know..the kiss.". 
"Jess, that was a dare, not just out of the blue." 
"It looked intense." Ben said coming outside from out of nowhere. 
"Ugh not you too." I said, "Youre my favvvorite." 
"Haha- no thats Joe." He replied. 
"Agreed." said Jessica. 
"He's wayy older than me guys, like I'd stand a chance anyway.." I sighed. 
"My parents are 5 years apart." Jessica said, "Some are like ten years apart." 
"Whatever." I said. Then my phone rang, thank goodness. 
"Hey mummy." I said, smiling. 
"Hi Alley, how are you doing at Jess'?" she replied. 
"Umm, fine..." I said. Her and my dad were on vacation to Hawaii, so I was staying with Jessica for a while. 
"Crap gramma's on the other line!" she said. 
"Uhh okay, bye mom." I said, hanging up. 
"Checking in?" Jessica said. 
"Like always." I said.

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