Chapter 10 Going Well

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I would've never guessed in a million years Joe would feel the same about me the way I felt about him. But be did, and that was the best thing that could happen. The next couple days were filled with secret kisses and us holding hands under the table. Every minute I wasn't with him drove me insane. 
Unfortanately, it was July. Which meant that we only had one more month and my larents would be back in a couple weeks. Then we'd be off to school and seeing Joe would be rare, because seniors and freshmans don't have a whole bunch of time where they see each other.."safety issues." 
July 21st was the day I realized how much I loved him. We were going to the movies. The movie was about this socially awkward guy who met the amazing girl and they fell in love, very slowly. Jessica sat next to me on the right and Joe sat next to me on the right. During the movie the guy had kissed the girl unexpectedly and they disn't talk about it. And he was going crazy thinking about her. 
"Oh my God it's like me and you." I whispered to Joe. He laughed and stuck his hand in the popcorn bowl to grab my pinky. He kissed my cheek quickly and I blushed. 
After the movie Jessica and I went to the bathroom. 
"Alley?" she said touching up her lip gloss. 
"Hm?" I asked 
"I know he likes you." I laughed to myself. 
" I know you like him too." i laughed again. 
"And I saw him kiss you on the cheek..." 
"WE'RE GONNA BE SISTERS!!!" she yelled hugging me. I laughed some more I knew she wouldn't be mad. 
"I'm glad you're okay with it." I said. 
"Well, psha, duh. I knew this was coming for like ever." when we got out I walked over to Joey and hugged him, 
"She knows." I whispered. 
He smiled, "I know." 
"Joe!!" somebody called. I turned around and saw one of his friends. He was waving Joey over. 
"Are tou gonna go..?" I asked. He shrugged. 
"Now why would I do that?" he said as grabbed my hand. Jessica rolled her eyes. 
"C'mon lovebirds, it's time to go." Joe laughed and we headed back to their house. 

When we got their we heard great news. 
"You guys can go up north by yourselves...with Aunt Janine close by of course. She wont stay with you but she'll be at her house up there right by te campground. 
"Oh my God! Thanks mom!" Jessica said. 
"Thanks." Joe said hugging her. 
"When?" Ben asked. 
"This weekend." his dad said. 
"Yusssh.." We all said high fiving. It was Thursday so we'd be leaving tomorrow. 
"Well goodnight guys." said their mom and dad hugging us. 
"Night." we said. 
"Agghhhhh." I squealed,"I'm so excited!!" Joe laughed. 
"Me too!" Jessica said. After our little discussion we got ready for bed. 
I was walking out of the bathroom and when I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. I jumped a bit and Joe laughed. 
"Hello beautiful." he whispered kissing me and pulling me into his room. 
We sat down on the bed and he continued to kiss me. He ran his hands up an down my back. He stopped for a second and moved his lips to my neck. I moaned a bit and put my hands in his hair. He held himself over me and looked into my eyes for a while. 
"I love you." he said. I just looked at him for a minute. 
"I love you too.." I said. Then he began to kiss me again..unfortanately we heard someone running up the stairs. 
"Always interupted.." he said. I laughed and headed out the door. I fell asleep that night thinking bout what he said. I guess things were going quite well. 
If only it lasted.

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