Chapter 15 Meeting Chelsea

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"Mm, no." I said to Ben pulling away, "I-I'm really sorry but I can't.."  
"Alley." he sighed. I stood up ad began to cry again. He stood up and put his arms around me. 
"I know I shouldn'tve..I shouldnt've told you..or tried that I'm sorry." he whispered to me,"Don't go." he sighed, "Sleep in the other you really want to go back over there?" he jerked his head towards the way of Joe's room. 
"Ben I really feel bad now..because you're like my little brother.." I sobbed. 
"No Alley its fine don't...its okay I understand..if that's all I can be to you I'll take it." he sighed putting his head in my neck. 
"Okay." I said wiping my eyes. He hugged me again and I got into bed he pulled the covers up to my chin and looked at me for a second. 
"Night, Al." he whispered. 
"Night...Ben." I said dozing off. 

I woke up to my phone blazing in my ear. 
"Wah!" I gasped sitting up grabbing the phone. 
"Hello?" I mumbled. 
"I'm sorry I um stayed in Ben's room." I said.  
"BEN'S room? Why? Did something-" 
"No Jess nothing happen I just crashed on accident." I said. 
"Okay well come here soon, k?"  
"Okay." I sighed. 
"Bye." she hung up. I looked over and saw Ben laying on the other bed. I really did feel bad. I walked over on my way out and kissed his forehead.  
As soon as I opened the door and walked out I ran into Joe. 
"Hey!" he caught me before I fell and I stared into his eyes and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but he pulled away. 
"Hi." I said. 
"What were you doing in Ben's room?" he asked. 
"Well." I said, "How is that your buisness?" his eyes opened wide and then he shook his head. 
"You- you and Ben?" he laughed a bit. 
"Whats it to ya?" I shrugged. 
"I think I need to be aware of my brothers love interests..thats all." 
"Well, thats not me." I said, "He likes me..but no. Nothing happened." his shoulders dropped and he laughed. 
"Predictable, you are way too good for him." he said smiling. I laughed. 
"Yeah right, then who is acceptable?" I rolled my eyes. 
"Don't act like that." He whispered with a furrowed brow. My smile faded and I was back in that bedroom waking up with Joe for a second.  
"Hi babe." Chelsea said walking up to us and kissing Joe.  
"Hello, how'd you sleep?" he asked. 
"Always good with you." she smiled. 
"Well see you later guys." i said quickly walking off. 
"see you later, Al?" Joe called. I cringed. 
"Um, maybe." I said. He frowned. 
When I walked into Jessica and I's room she was glaring. 
"What's wrong?" I asked. 
"Her. Chelsea. Joe loves you not her." I rolled my eyes. 
"Obviously he doesn't or he wouldn't be with her." I said. 
"Whatever." she said,"C'mon get ready we're going shopping and my parents' for dinner." she said finishing her make up. 
So after 25 million hours of shopping we went to her parents house. Everyone was already there sitting around the table. I sat across from Chelsea and Joe, next to Ben and Jessica sat next to her dad and Tony at the other end of the table. After a few minutes of endless chatter I decided it was time to find out about her and him... 
"So. What do you do Chelsea?" I asked her. 
"I'm a pre school teacher...I love kids.." she smiled at Joe. Joe was wearing an Adventure Time t-shirt and white jeans and black converse. Chelsea was wearing flare jeans and pink Nike's and a pink shirt with a purple peace sign..they weren't good for each other. I was wearing blue jean skinnies, grey boots, and a Lady GaGa t-shirt. 
"What about you Joe what are you doing?"  
"I'm working at a music producing studio. But how bout you?" he said eating his pork. 
"I'm a journalist...Joe you knew I was gonna be a journalist." I replied. He looked blank for a minute and just stared off into space. 
"Yeah remember that summer she wouldn't stop going on and on about journalism right?" Jessica asked. That was the summer of me and Joe... 
"Erm... No that was a long time ago right? I must've forgotten I guess." he said flashing a quick smile. 
"THE WHOLE SUMMER?" Jessica asked making a fist around her fork. 
"Oh that summer you guys went up north by yourselves?" Their mom asked. Joe flinched a bit, probably remembering. 
"Yeah that summer." Ben said. I looked at him and he was looking at me so I looked back to Joe. 
"Yeah I um sorry...I must have gotten really busy after that." Joe said looking at Chelsea.  
"Wait- what grade was this?" Chelsea asked. 
"I was going into 12th grade and they were going into 9th." Joe said quickly. Jessica and I looked at each other with a I-know-he-remembers-too look.  
"So did you two meet?" Ben asked. 
"Well," Chelsea said smiling, "We were at a party. And my friend and his friend brought us together. At first Joey was really quite shy and hesitant. But we started talking and....somewhere along the friendship..we fell in love." She smiled up at Joe and kissed him. I looked down and wondered if he ever compared her to me.. After dinner we went over to the living room to watch home videos. Jessica Ben and I sat on the small couch and Tony wasn't there because he was at his friends house. Their parents sat on two different chair and Joe and Chelsea layed on the long couch. The movies started out when everyone were babies, so obviously I wasn't in those. But when they started getting older I started showing up. One video was of all of us playing a dancing game and Joe yelling at Ben and Jessica. 
"Ugh you guys give up too easily! Alley's the only one who will play more then two dances." he yelled at them. We all laughed. 
"And to find out Jess would be the dancer." I said. 
"Wait, how long have y'all known each other?" Chelsea asked. 
"A LONG time." we all said in unison. The videos continued on, me in a lot of them. What we saw then was very unexpected. Somebody switched on the camera and crept through the hallway. 
"What's this?" Joe asked. The video continued and then we saw Joe and I laying on the couch cuddling. Oh no.. After a second of that in the video Joe bent down to kiss me. I smiled. 
"I don't remember this-" Joe said. 
"Can we- lets turn this off.." I said. 
"Who taped this?!?" Joe yelled. I looked at Jess. 
"Wait it's almost over." she said. The camera zoomed in and you could see Joe saying I love you. Then it ended. Chelsea sat up. 
"Wait you two were a couple..?" she asked. 
"Haha! No... We were just.." Joe said. 
" lets go!" I hopped up and grabbed my jacket and Jessica followed. 
Later on we were discussing Chelsea. 
"Dude...I don't know what he sees in her.." I stood there with my mouth open. 
"Um...she seems nice, she likes kidss, she's way pretty...." I replied. 
"It's an act, I know it." Jess said eating a chip, "And not as pretty as you." I rolled my eyes. 
"Do you know when the wedding is?" I whispered. 
She looked at me with a sorry for me kind of face,"December, Hun." I looked up to stop the tears. 
"Are you gonna be able to get time off? He's gonna want you to be there.." 
I sniffled, "Yeah, I can ways write from here and send it to the editor. You?" 
"Yeah the next show isn't till January anyway.." she looked at me for a while. 
"I'm in love with your brother." I sobbed. 
"Then we better get him to realize he still loves you then, huh?" I looked up at her and she smiled.

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