Chapter 16 What To Do, What To Do....

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I looked at Jessica with her mischief written all over her face. 
"Oh God Jess...." I said shaking my head. 
"Alley..." she said smiling. 
"No Jessica, no I will not make a move on mad?!" It was official, she was crazy. 
" don't have too." she winked at me and I freaked out a bit."Um..." 
"Alley...what if he makes a move on you." she asked. I laughed I felt like we were talking like middle schooler's. 
"Doubt it." I said. Jessica shrugged. 
"Maybe we just have to get you two alone." I just looked at her and laid down to go to sleep, it had been a long day. 
I woke up in the middle of the night and went downstairs to get something to drink. After I got a coke out of the vending machine I turned around and thought I heard someone coming down the hallway. Oh no. Ugh I was in pink slippers and plaid pajama pants and a pink pajama t-shirt. I bent down to fix my shirt and when I looked up again Joe was standing right there. 
"Hi." he breathed. 
"Erm, hi...what are you doing up?" I replied. 
"Chelsea's great grandma just had a heart attack, so she went to be with her family for a while. It's a long drive. They live in Ohio." I frowned. 
"I' she gonna be here for Thanksgiving dinner?" I said. 
"She might if she comes home early, I dunno." he shrugged. I bit my lip and he just stared at me. I began to tear up and I had to tell him. 
"Oh Joe..I...I.." All of the sudden he was kissing me. Kissing me like we never had before. I could feel the sparks...seriously, my heart was beating so fast I thought it might explode. I jumped into his arms and dropped my coke. He carried me to his room. And I hoped Jessica couldn't hear... 
(Haha oh my God I'm so...hahaha :')) 

I woke up to my phone again. No doubt it would be Jess. 
"Are you in Ben's room again?? 'Cuz..Well that's weird.." she asked. I laughed softly. 
"No, I'm not in Ben's room... I'll be there in a sec." I said. 
"Bye." I hung up and looked at the time 12 o'clock??. Then a felt Joe running his hand up and down my arm. I turned to face him and he smiled. 
"I missed you a lot." he whispered. 
"I missed you too" I smiled. He propped himself up on an elbow and bent down to kiss me. Then he wrapped his arm around me. 
"Mm, I gotta go." I said. 
"Nooo..." he whined. I laughed. 
"Oh my God..Chelsea." I said. Joe looked at me and looked like he was gonna cry. 
"Alley...what did I do?" he sobbed.I sat up and hugged him. 
"What do you mean?" I asked. 
"I..I am engaged to Chelsea. Engaged, Al. I...I love her. Don't get me wrong..but more in a friendly way. Not like you..ever. I never forgot that summer Alley..but I tried." 
"Why...why did you get engaged to her then?" I asked. By this time he was crying a bit. 
"I never stopped loving you. And it was sick. I thought you'd be over me and we were so young...and I was an was horrible. Then she came a long and lit up my world. When she decided to take it to the next level..well I had no right to refuse- I can't hurt her though. What am I gonna -" we heard the door open. 
"Hey baby I'm back! Tired thou-" she looked at me and Joe and I saw her fall apart. I hopped out of bed and pulled Joe's long shirt down past my knees. 
"What...what..." she sobbed. I walked to her slowly. 
"I left for HALF a night and I come back to this? The fvck Joe? Oh God!" she continued to cry and Joe just watched me. 
"Chelsea.." I put my hands on her shoulders,"I know that you love Joe. I am SO sorry I shouldn'tve done this. Please Chelsea I didn't mean to hurt you.." I said feeling horrible. She continued to cry and hugged me. I hugged her back awkwardly. 
"He did though...he never loved me..." she said to me. Joe hopped out of bed wearing nothing but green lantern boxers. 
"Chelsea...that's not true. I do love you. Just not in a romantic way..." he said rubbing her back. 
"I should be relieved..." she sniffled. 
"Um..what?" I asked. She pulled away and looked at Joe. 
"I was gonna call off the wedding." she said,"I'm in love with my boss." 
"Allan?!" Joe asked, angry. 
"Yeah..for about 2 months..I'm so sorry Joe." 
"The HOBO." 
"He's not a hobo..that was his pajama day Joey..." 
"Get out." he said, "Leave." 
"You cheated on me too!" she retorted. 
"Yes! One night. ONE. You've been cheating for 2 MONTHS." she looked at Joe one last time, grabbed her bag and left. I just stood there awkwardly for a minute. 

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