Chapter 7 Maybe

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That night everyone slept in the living room. Which was always the best fun at her house. Tony and Ben always fell asleep first, so we drew on them, then Jessica fell asleep, then me and Joey stayed up and talked. Which was always fun. Tonight was no different, other than Jessica and Ben wanted to play truth or dare again. 
"It's not gonna be the same with just us." i said. Tony was already asleep and we just got done drawing stars on his face. 
"Yeah." Joe said. 
"It'll be fun, c'mon just one round." Jessica said. I sighed. 
"Fine." I said. 
"Yush." Ben said. 
"Okay.." Joe said. 
"Alley truth or dare." Ben asked. 
"Dare." Jessica and Ben looked at each other. 
"C'mon." they whispered. Joey and I followed them downstairs. They stopped by the closet and just stood there. 
"What?" I asked. Jessica and Ben looked at each other again, and Jessica pushed me inside and Ben shoved Joe inside and locked te door. 
"Jessica, I don't like you." I said. 
"Come on guys." Joey said. Knocking on the door. 
"7 Minutes." Ben said. I heard him and Jessica walk upstairs. I sighed and sat down on the little bench there was. I thought about how Matt wasn't replying to my texts, and he was probably with Olivia. I ran my hand through my hair. 
"It's gonna be longer than 7 minutes." Joey said. 
"I know." I said. We sat in silence for a few seconds till I felt Joey sit closer to me on the bench. 
"I'm sorry Alley." he said. I glanced at him confused. There was no light so I could hardly see. 
"For what?" I forced a bit of a laugh. 
"Jessica told me about Matt and whats-her-face. And I feel bad." 
"oh um..thanks..yeah its tough I guess." I replied. It got awkward again. Then I felt Joe's breath in my face. I leaned closer till my lips touched his. He put his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He opened his mouth a little wider and I felt his tounge on my lip. I breathed heavy. His lips tangled with mine and I felt myself begin to forget about Matt, because all that mattered right then was Joey and his lips on mine. 
All of the sudden he pushed me against a wall, getting more agressive, one hand was on the wall keeping me from tipping over the other was running down my side. 
"Alley," he whispered. 
"What?" I whispered back. 
"I...I think that I.." He kissed my neck. 
"I..." then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He pulled away and sat down against the wall. Ben opened the door. 
"Wow you guys are exciting." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. 
What was Joey about to say? He liked me? No that was unpossible. I mean, the age difference, right? 
But maybe, I liked him more than I should?

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