A new teammate?! + Results

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Hello! Recently I saw angel number 431 twice so I searched up what it means.

Angel Number 431 is a message to maintain a positive attitude and optimistic expectations about yourself, your life, and your future. ... Angel Number 431 is a message to put some extra focus and effort towards your creative endeavors to ensure that you manifest long-term rewards on all levels.

I also found myself a new teammate! She is actually my cousin and we grew up together in the same house and the same school until kindergarten, she is still my favorite cousin of course. Anyways, her name is Emallie, and she the same age as me, but I'm just 3 months older than her. She recently got a new sister meaning I got a new cousin. But enough of me rambling, her precure name is Cure Gust, she is the color purple and her powers are air manipulation and galaxy manipulation (no she can't control the whole galaxy of course).  She has a more intelligent, sarcastic kind of personality. She hella smart, but annoyingly sassy. She loves magical girls and precure but her favorite mg show is card capture sakura. 

She agreed to become a magical girl with me which is great news. She might ask me to write something to you in a chapter so you might see: Cure Gust:. I'm so glad she agreed to become an mg with me because she isn't too interested in magic and stuff. She said she had a magical encounter so she decided to become a dialing fine precure with me. She's an extrovert and is optimistic.

But anyway, that's it for this chapter, there's going to be some important info soon so be prepared if there's an 💍in the title.  Bye, my raindrops!


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