✨💧Update 1💧✨

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I just finished watching my magical girl subliminal playlist.  I have to watch it 3-8 times a day. 

Some results I got were seeing angel numbers 1100, 11020, 1158, and 3632 multiple times. They mean.

Number 1100 – What Does It Mean? Angel number 1100 indicates that this is the right time to start/continue your human development, spiritual awakening, the enlightenment of your spiritual qualities, and projects. Keep your thoughts, intentions and focus on your soul mission and life purpose.

Angel Number 1020 is asking you to have belief in the angels and whatever happens in the future is for the welfare of all. ... When Angel Number 1020 repeats itself in your life, it is asking you to have an affirmative outlook and to take constructive actions. You should use your abilities and aptitudes for universal good.

Angel Number 1158 is a message from your angels that the positive affirmations, visualizations, and actions you have taken have manifested your desired results in regards to your income, finances, and abundance. Staying positive and expressing gratitude and appreciation will ensure further abundance.

From a spiritual standpoint, 3632 spiritually tells you that you should strive to know yourself better. Knowing yourself opens your inner eyes to realize that you are not a perfect being. You are simply perfect in your imperfections.

Other results were my water powers kicking in. When I turned on the tap to wash my hands, as my hands approached the running water, the water moved back, once I took my hand away from the water, the water moved back in its place. The closer I put my hand to the water the farther it moved back. This was very annoying because all I wanted was to wash my hands.╰_╯(>.<*) I ended up using hand sanitizer. This is probably one of the most annoying ways to get your powers. Emallie started the same subliminal yesterday and created wind from her hands. I saw this because I had a sleepover with her. The wind blew in the inside of the cover making it float for like 3 seconds then it went back down. Her way of getting her powers is way cooler than my way. I'm visiting her later tonight, because of that, I'll be able to discuss with her more. I also meditated after that and ended up falling asleep. I had a dream that I was making water float and I transformed after that to fight a vortriod. I don't know if that was a coincidence, but I think it was meant to happen, what do you think?

I also saw angel number 1111 multiple times it was like a trail of 1111, they pointed me to an item on Amazon, then I saw a bunch of 111 clouding on the item. I think it has something with my transformation device.  I'll explain later or whenever I get to.

But anyway, that's it for this update, So see you tomorrow my raindrops!


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