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Hello! Today I have news for future chapters, In the previous chapters, I haven't done any magical girl preparation except for physical training. Today I decided to start on Subliminals, meditation, and shifting. I decided that today because of the angel numbers I saw today and the last chapter. The angel numbers I saw today were,  1025 and 1127. The meanings are:

Angel Number 1025 is a message that the changes you are going through right now are happening for good reasons, so have faith and trust that all will turn out for your highest good. You may be prompted to begin a new venture that will prove to be fruitful for you in many and varied ways.

 You may be prompted to begin a new venture that will prove to be fruitful for you in many and varied ways

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I think that means that the universe agree's with my decision to become a magical girl. But, I decided to update for seven days in a row starting tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to start my magical girl playlist. Before I only used Subliminals to find things, which worked I found what I needed after around under a minute after watching the subliminal. If I can remember the subliminal I used, I'll link it in the comments. But back to the point, for the next 7 chapters, I'll be updating about subliminal results. So the next few chapters will be like Update Week: Day 1. I literally just saw angel number 1212 just now I'll show what it means: 

According to Angel Numbers, seeing 1212 (12:12) means stepping out of your comfort zone and starting anew in your life. You begin pushing yourself towards something different because you feel like you are not at the place where you want to be on your journey.

That's just iconic. The angel number means that I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing myself into the next part of my journey. Now I just know that this is the right choice. But anyways, bye my raindrops!


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