✨💧Update 3💧✨

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Hello! This is day 3 of update week! After watching my magical girl subliminal, My hands got Tingley and I saw a boatload of angel numbers. The angel numbers I saw were 1111, 1029, 1039, 1052, 1115, 1004, 2620, 1698, and 2692. Their meanings are:

Angel Number 1111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. ... Angel Number 1111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality.

Angel number 1029 is telling you to improve your self-esteem and to believe in everything you are able to do. ... Today we would like to give you some keys to improve your self-esteem and so that you can feel much better in any situation in life, but mainly in general, that you feel better about yourself.

Angel Number 1039 is a sign for God's people to work and to shine their spiritual light in order to illuminate the way of other brothers. Angel number 1039 also invites you to live your life in such a positive way that it will encourage and inspire others to do the same with theirs.

Angel Number 1039 is a sign for God's people to work and to shine their spiritual light in order to illuminate the way of other brothers. Angel number 1039 also invites you to live your life in such a positive way that it will encourage and inspire others to do the same with theirs.

1052 is a number of making new beginnings and fresh starts, living your personal truths, and finding balance and stability in your life. It is also a number of personal strengths and convictions. Angel Number 1052 is a message from your angels to expect changes to come about sooner than you may expect.

Angel Number 1115 is a message from your angels that some much-needed life changes are ahead of you, or are occurring in your life right now. ... Angel Number 1115 suggests that your ideas, thoughts, and intuitive feelings are prompting you to make some necessary (and long-awaited) changes in your life.

Angel Number 1004 indicates that the guardian spirits are helping you to create constructive ideas and you are guided to accomplish your requirements in life through your positive mind-set and affirmative deeds.

Angel Number 1004 indicates that the guardian spirits are helping you to create constructive ideas and you are guided to accomplish your requirements in life through your positive mind-set and affirmative deeds

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I think I finally am starting to see results. I also heard Jade's voice echo throughout my head a couple of times. I'm going to make a reference and personality board for all of my team members so it will be easier to manifest them. But... we have a problem. My flip phone is missing! It wasn't in the place I left it and I'm sure I didn't move it. I don't have a clue if it had to do with Zeon or whatever but I have to find it. I've meditated and had a dream vision and it wasn't the nicest. I saw a black palace with red glowing binary code. At the very top of the palace, I saw a figure it looked like Zeon and there was another person there. It looked like a girl but she was... glitching? She looked like an evil empress with a long black cape and dress the faded out in yellow binary code. That color wasn't in any level I knew of. She Somedned a dark drive but instead of red binary code, it was yellow. Then she pushed a person in front of her. It was my dad?!!!!!!!!!! I screamed no but it was too late. She jabbed the odd dark drive into my dad and turned him into a boltriod?! It looked like all the other voltriods but it was way bigger and had yellow binary and bolts of lighting as an effect I guess. I pulled out what looked like styles and transformed again! ( When this happened I was transformed) I dialed in the regular code but with the styles instead of my finger. (  The way I make sense of magical girl transformations is that when you are transforming, not a second goes  by in the real world.) I looked different than my regular magical girl form but it was still blue-themed and I was still cure aqua. None of my other teammates were with me for some reason. After that, the vision just ended. With all these signs, I can tell bad things might happen soon.

To make myself feel better, I'm just going to animate random magical girl animations and try to look for my transformation device. 

When I can, I will upload the aesthetic and personality board for all my teammates. Wish me luck! Bye, my raindrops!


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