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I will probably write random chapters sometimes? Yeah, enjoy

Peter had been really relaxed lately. Which was weird. He was a genius teenage superhero... and he was relaxed. Something was about to happen, he felt it. And he was right. While he was in his home lab working, someone turned off the power. He instantly knew  some weird shit was going on. Why, you may ask? Because his apartment ran solely on solar power, meaning it had almost unlimited electricity.
He dropped the stuff he was doing and instantly jumped onto the ceiling to hide. He was obviously under attack, so he put on the mask. He crawled towards the living room in extreme silence, trying to hear something. "SURPRISE!!" A voice boomed. Peter panicked. How could he not hear this person's breathing or pulse? He looked around, eyes already adjusted to the dark. His eyes landed on someone. It was one man with a bow and an arrow... no, wait, there was a woman too. "Wh-" he didn't even have the time to formulate his question before an arrow was shot at him, and LET ME TELL YOU, if it weren't for his powers he'd have an arrow in his shoulder. "How did he even dodge?" The man muttered "It doesn't matter. We have you surrounded spiderman, drop off the ceiling and raise your arms slowly. Then give us your identity." He said, trying to sound confident, but in reality, Peter knew he was really afraid, and so was the woman. Were they really afraid of him? He was just your friendly neighborhood spiderman! But then he thought that if a guy in a red spandex who could climb walls, had this weird spiderweb coming out of his wrists, and could lift buildings, he'd be probably afraid too.

He slowly did as he was told, the windows opening to reveal iron man, the falcon and iron patriot in front of the window. "Ok, now take your mask off." He sighed. He really had to do this. He slowly pulled off his mask and watched the surprised expressions of Hawkeye (when he could see properly, he figured out who they were) and Black Widow. "Umm-" his voice cracked. This time he tried to speak properly. "My name is Peter Parker- uh... I'm 15, almost 16, years old, I go to Midtown High... erm... my last living relative is my aunt and I... uh- I like science and I guess I'm spiderman?? Is that ok?" Everything was silent for a minute, until someone spoke. "Uh" she took a deep breath "...whAT?"

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