The Star of Midtown High (part 1...?)

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   There was this kid, no one knew his name, but he had a smile that could brighten the room, an angelical voice that could calm anyone down and a kinder personality, always helping. He had curly brown hair with big doe light brown eyes. He had a little bit of baby fat on his cheeks and pink, soft lips which he would chew when he was nervous. He always made sure everyone was fine and even his bully was attracted to this mystery kid. He had only two friends and was very smart, always wearing science pun tshirts and he loved starwars. His name? Peter Benjamin Parker. He had a cute face and a kind personality, one of those which you wouldn't ever forget.

    As Peter walked down the halls, he saw the drama teacher struggling with some things for the school play. He went over where she was and "Let me help you with that" he said. "Oh, thanks kid." Said Mrs. Luna. Peter picked some stuff up and walked towards the auditorium while talking with the teacher.

   Tony was walking down the halls of Midtown Highschool with Bruce when he saw a brown haired boy helping a teacher with some stuff. The kid seemed very kind and walked down the hall while establishing a conversation with the teacher. "Huh" he thought "Very difficut to find a nice kid in a rich school". As he got up on stage, all of the students gasped. "Hello everybody, y'all ready know who we are, so we are going straight to the point. We are learning some thermodynamics today!" Everyone was bubbling up in excitement besides the kid who helped the teacher earlier that day. He just winced at the applause the other kids were giving him. Tony started talking about all the laws of thermodynamics while the kid drew something on his book. When he gave the mic to Bruce and everyone started to clap, the kid gasped, covered his ears and sneaked outside the gymnasium. Tony said he was going to the bathroom and left after that kid.

    Peter hated conferences and people talking on the microphone while others whispered in excitement, causing him a huge migraine and pain in the ears. When Tony said what he was talking about, he automatically zoned out. The book with the Laws of Thermodynamics was his second book ever. He started drawing in his book and making some web formulas. He heard Tony finishing and everyone started clapping, which made Peter's headache worse. He gasped for air, covered his ears and sneaked out. He ran to the bathroom, closed the door behind him and took a deep breath while leaning over the sink. He poured some water to his face and took a  deep breath. When he looked up, he saw Tony Statk entering the same bathroom he was in. "Hey kid, you ok?" Tony asked. Peter froze. Did he notice that Peter was feeling bad and went after him? "I- umm... I- yes! Yeah, i just have a huge headache and loud noises don't help a lot..." He trailed off. Tony nodded, but he still had his doubts. "Why weren't you paying attention then?" "That? Oh, that's nothing. The second book I read was a book in thermodynamics, so I understand pretty much everything on that area" He explained. "K, I need to go now, Mr. Stark, nice to meet you!" Peter said after some minutes of silence. This kid was really nice. He was like a star... yeah, the star of Midtown High.

Tell me if you want a part 2!!

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