Intern Competition (le part 1)

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Peter is spooderman, doesn't know Stark, CW didn't happen,and that's all. Also, he is smarter than Tony stark :))

Peter was excited. Today, they were going on a sleep over to SI AND having a competition to become interns. As they hopped on the bus, Flash taunted him with how dumb he was and Ned signaled for Peter to sit next to him. Peter put his earpods on, the ones that had Karen inside, and started blasting AC/DC. When they arrived, everyone stared in awe at the huge tower in front of them. They entered the tower and saw a woman waiting for them with a box full of badges. "Hello there! My name is Evie and I am going to be your tour guide!"

Time skipp for Stan Lee

They were visiting the higher intern labs and Peter saw something. He saw a board with an unsolved equation. He stood up, walked towards it and started solving it. When he was finished, he hurried to his class because they were leaving.


Max and Alex were having a stressful day. First, they had to print the tests for the tour group, then they crashed into a cocky and self-centered kid from the same class and then Mr. Stark gave them a new equation for them to solve. When they finally arrived from their trip to the printer, they saw a curly haired boy messing with the equation. They were going to usher him away, but then he turned around and left. They hurried to the equation and saw that it was perfectly done and solved correctly. The only thing they remembered about the kid was that he had curly brown hair and big doe eyes.


Peter's class next went to Bruce Banner's lab. He was having a difficult time with some androids and he was not in the mood for kids. Suddenly, as the kids explored his lab, he felt a tap in the shoulder. He looks down and saw a doe eyed kid. "H-hi Dr. Banner sir, I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but I just wanted for you to sing my book...? As Dr. Banner, not Hulk. Hulk doesn't have 7 PhD's after all" he smiled nervously. Bruce was more than surprised. This kid was one of the only people who wanted to meet him, not the Hulk. He nodded and the kid handed him a book, his book. He signed it. The kid said "also, I saw your veins are turning a little green, I recommend you to listen to classical music for you to calm down. I'm sorry, it's none of my buisness, I- I should go. Goodbye Dr. Banner sir, it was a honor to meet you!" And just like that, he left with his class, leaving a speechless Doctor behind. Bruce did listen to the kid. He put some classical music, sat down in a chair and fell asleep. Who is this kid?
(A/N: The name is Peta Paka)

Well, hello, my dear readers.
Well, bye, my dear readers.

[•a lazy potato•]

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