Agent Parker

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  People thought they knew everything about Peter Parker. They 'knew' that he was a nerd, average strength, average grades. They 'knew' that he lived with his hot Auntand that he loved the color black, for some reason. What they didn't know, is that Peter was actually an Agent of SHIELD, who was born with super strength and a sixth sense that alerted him of danger (A/N: in this one shot, Peter's mum had been in an explosion in a lab, leaving Peter with only super strength and the Peter Tingle) People thought "poor orphan Puny Parker" was just that. But boy, where they wrong.
    Peter got to school just before the bell rang. His Peter Tingle was alerting him of danger, but he didn't see anything that represented a threat, so he shook it off as tiredness.

  They were all in chemistry, when the alarms went off
"we are on lock down. This is NOT a drill. I repeat, this is NOT a drill." The teacher closed the blinds and locked the door and windows. The students hid, some in the closet, others under the table, all of them were shaking. Who would do this? Peter heard a gun loading, tensing up when he listened some people right outside his class.

  Suddenly, the door was kicked down, and two armed women entered the scene.
"We all know you are here, stop hiding and bring me Mark Johnson right now!" Nobody moved a muscle. One of the women shot the floor twice without even flinching and many drowned screams were heard.

Slowly, everyone came out of their hiding spots and sat at their respective places, shivering and looking as scared as a fish. Mark was handed over to the two women, who put the gun in his head. One of them traced his face with the weapon, smiling crazily.

"You remember me, Johnson? No? I'm the girl you cheated on. That's right, I'm Delilah. You told me I was your life! You said you loved me! And then you go hook up with other girls. I dedicated so much to this relationship, but you didn't even bother to remember our anniversary. Now you are gonna pay"

The second woman chuckled.
"Do you know who I am? No, I don't think you do, actually. There are so many like me... I'm Sarah... yeah, your 'best friend'? You dumped me after my family went broke, just because YOUR father blamed us for the corruption and illegal acts his company did. You said you 'can't be seen with such a fat bitch and a loser like me'. My father died yesterday, lung cancer. He died miserable, poor and in pain. Luckily, I will get revenge today."

Just about they were going to shoot the teenager, a white string pulled the weapon right out of their hands.

"Well, that's enough talking, ladies" a voice was heard. "I know Mark is a little bitch, but going to the extent of killing him? Little bit too much, 'innit?" There stood Peter, smiling smugly at the girls, with the guns in his arms. Sarah grabbed a knife in her boot and ran towards the agent.

"Well that's not very nice." He muttered before facing her. The woman knew how to fight, but she couldn't keep up. Peter ducked, grabbed her arm from behind and twisted it so that she would drop the knife. Then, he hit her in the base of her neck, knocking her out instantly. As he turned around to face the other one, he felt a dagger pass through his left arm. The young boy looked down and saw Delilah's dagger sticking out.

"Wow, rude much??" He extracted the dagger from his body, stabbed the girl in her leg, and twisted the knife. The woman screamed in agony as she fell to the floor. "Yeah, yeah, save it girl." Peter said as he handcuffed the two shooters.

"Oh, and..." He turned around, showing his S.H.I.E.L.D badge to the class.
"If anything comes out of this, I will make sure you are all arrested." He walked away holding the two unconscious women and leading them towards the policemen outside.

People knew nothing on Peter Parker. From one day to another, he disappeared, not leaving a trace behind. No one knew where he went, but rumors say that he moved schools because he was a superhero and his identity was revealed. It wasn't far from the truth. Miles away, in New York City, a boy named Peter Parker entered Midtown High for his first day in a new school, with a new alter ego.

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