"personal intern" and rogue avengers

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   Peter is Tony's adopted son, but he goes as his personal intern. The avengers were pardoned and came back to the tower to live. They had been there for 1 week.

  As Captain America entered the room, he saw a kid with earbuds on singing "I'm just like my country, I'm young scrappy and hungry..." and he frowned. "Who are you, kid?" The kid looked up from his schedule "what?" He took off his earbuds "oh! I'm Mr. Stark's personal intern" he said. Sam Wilson scoffed
"Since when a playboy, philanthropist, drunk, irresponsible, billionaire person is capable to take care of a kid? Nah, I don't think so. "
Everyone agreed. eter was red. No one talks about his father like that, especially a traitor. "I may in form you, Wilson, since I started to work for Mr. Stark, he hasn't touched a drink, he has been loyal to Pepper for 7 years, he donated money to many orphanages, and has been careful not to explode anything he builds. So do not talk about him like that." He said with a voice so calm and terrifying. His glare could even make the Hulk whimper.
"Do not talk to us like that son. I know you admire Stark, but he can't change who he is." Peter was fuming. He punched captain America in the stomach, sending him flying ten feet away.
"No. YOU don't talk to ME like that. I've been living with Tony for more than you've known him. He is caring, hard working, and an exceptional father. FUCK you. Dad made every single room with extreme care so that nothing would trigger panic attacks. You don't care about that, don't you? He can barely keep it together whenever he sees you without breaking down. You left him, betrayed him, he was just looking for things to work out between the Avengers! You just had to leave him with even MORE fucking trauma, didn't you? What the FUCK were you thinking when you came back, acting as if you owned the place, playing heroes, acting as if you hadn't left MY FATHER, FREEZING TO DEATH, WITH A MALFUNCTIONING ARC REACTOR, IN A HYDRA BASE AFTER HE FOUND OUT YOUR FRIEND KILLED HIS PARENTS?! After YOU ATTACKED him?! It took months to ease the nightmares, medications, psychologists, many movie nights, to stop his panic attacks from happening whenever he heard a gun clicking. Rhodey is still recovering. Dad doesn't trust anyone anymore. So don't you DARE say that ever again."
The he left, leaving a bunch of guilty Avengers behind.

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