I'm not on the ceiling

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Stressed. That's how Peter felt. His mind was going through equations, historical dates and different Spanish verbs. "Maria comía melón. 'Comía' is the verb and..." he muttered as he swung through Queens. Why was he so stressed, you may ask? One word: finals. Yes, finals, the most terrifying time of the year. The most despicable time for high school students.

  He landed on an alley and walked towards school. He opened his locker, completely daydreaming and remembering different elements of the periodic table and how they are formed, and headed towards his class. He sat down and started studying. Peter was so distracted by his studying that he didn't notice everyone staring at him until someone cleared his throat. "Umm, Peter? W- why are you on the ceiling?" Peter looked up "wha- shit" he mumbled. He backflipped and landed on the floor. "I'm not on the ceiling. What are you talking about?" He tried to lie. Abraham raised a brow. "Peter, we aren't stupid, you know?" Peter sighed in defeat "Well, you aren't THAT stupid, but seriously, I wasn't even THAT good hiding my identity." "Wait, identity?" Asked Phil. Abe facepalmed. "Yeah bitch, he's spiderman." "Yes, I mean, I literally disappeared every time spiderman got into action, and I was never seen in the same room as spiderman" He said. "Wait, so you work with Tony Stark?" Someone asked "Yeah, yeah I work with To- oh my God he's gonna kill me. Oh my God. Oh God  oh God oh God what am I gonna do?? He will murder me!" Peter started pacing around the roof. "Peter! Jesus Christ, Peter, calm the fuck down. He is not going to kill you, he will just probably give you a whole ass speech." MJ tried to calm her boyfriend. "And get the fuck down of the ceiling Parker." "I'm not on the- oh wait- thanks!" He said as he flipped down. Peter's classmates looked at him in shock. How the fuck did they not notice Peter was spiderman? He was literally the definition of obvious, what the fuck.

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