Peter Parker is a teenager.

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Peter Parker is a teenager. He was 15 years old and had only one relative alive. Yes, he has an extremely high IQ, and, sure, he has freaky spider powers. But he is a teenager. His biggest worry should have been having three tests on a day, or hating the Spanish teacher. He shouldn't be fighting 45 year old men whose mid-life crisis hit a little bit too hard, he should be fighting with his best friends about what saga of the Star Wars movies were better (definitely the first ones). He shouldn't have been fighting Thanos while also worrying about the oncoming finals. Why was he burdened with the faults of the older people? Why can't he go on dates or get in a relationship that would never work out?

Peter Parker never had a decent childhood per se. He was four when he lost his parents, going into the care of his aunt and uncle, but they were always busy, even though they tried to spend the most time with him. He was bullied and was constantly getting sick. He wore thick rimmed glasses, nerd t-shirts and was asthmatic. His childhood was filled with traumas, but nothing was worse than his adolescence.

Peter Parker shouldn't have to worry about being attacked by his date's dad or even surviving a plane crash. He shouldn't be always looking out, trying to sense what is an illusion. He shouldn't have paranoia, with attacks so bad that some days he couldn't even recognize his own self. He shouldn't be waking up, covered in cold sweat, and checking if his aunt was still alive. He shouldn't have to beat himself up whenever someone got hurt while he was doing his job. He shouldn't even have a job, he was fifteen.

Peter Parker is fragile now. He won't be able to hold on much longer. May knows this, as she runs her fingers through her nephew's hair. She knows that Peter was a child, and she is surprised as to how many people seem to forget that. She knows she has to help him, but doesn't know how. She shouldn't have to comfort him with every nightmare, assuring him that everything is real, that she's here and she's proud of him. Because Peter Parker is a 15 year old teenager.

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