Intern Competition (le final part)

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They rushed Peter into the MedBay. Peter was barely conscious, he only rembered a siren and some yelling, then, he drifted into darkness.

    All of the Avengers were in the waiting room, nervousness had taken over the place. Tony was pacing in his place and Natasha was trying hard not to cry. Dr. Cho entered the room and everyone stood up, waiting for news on the spiderling. "Good news, he only has a concussion. He's a strong kid, he will survive, but you're lucky. Cap hit him with all of his strength, I it weren't for his spider DNA, he wouldn't have made it." Everyone glared daggers at Cap. "The knife stab in his shoulder is already healing. He should wake up in 5 minutes, approximately" Natasha let out a sigh of relief as they started walking towards the place where Peter was. Peter was lay down in a bed, his face covered in bruises and this shoulder stitched up. Tony sat down next to him and held his hand, looking at Peter with nothing but fondness and worry in his eyes. Peter's eyelids fluttered open. He looked around, confused of his surroundings. When he noticed the avengers, he widened his eyes with worry "Peter!" Exclaimed Nat. "Oh no. No no no no! You- you know my secret! Now you will hate me and tell everyone my identity and then they will hurt May!" He started muttering to himself  "Calm down, Peter, we won't tell anybody and we definitely don't hate you. I can't believe YOU don't hate us!" Peter stared at her in confusion "Why would I hate you?" Everyone stared in shock. "B- Because we hurt you! We could've killed you, kid!" Said Tony. Peter laughed "Well, yeah, but I provoked you!" "Why do you do this, Peter? Why are you Spiderman? Why do you go out there and risk your life for other people?" Asked Clint. Peter took a deep breath. "B- because, I had this powers for a year now and, yes, I would love to play football, but I can't because i couldn't before. W- when you can do the things that I do, but you don't, and then the bad things happen and they happen because of you." Everyone was shocked. This 16 year old kid had a better motto than any of them, but apparently he hadn't finished yet. "I- when Ben died, he said 'with great power comes great responsiblity' he- he was short by a mugger, and Ben could've shot him, since he was a policeman, but he decided not to, because he had a great power that carried great responsibility. Ever since that day, the day I could have saved my uncle, the day i was too selfish to show him my powers, I vowed to look out for the little guy, to never let anyone be harmed in the streets if I could help it. So, yeah, that's why I'm spiderman" he took a deep, shaky breath. Everyone had tears in their eyes and they ran to hug him. Nobody would ever let anything happen  to the spider-kid. "G- guys, I kinda need to breath" said Peter in a strangled voice. Life would get better. He had a super family after all.

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