Peter Parker-Stark

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Peter was well known in SI. He was the heir to the company, the adopted son of Tony Stark, the genius kid. Everyone in the tower respected him, but didn't use many formalities because Peter found them uncomfortable. The new interns were told to respect Peter and not to underestimate him because of his age, but of course, not many listened.

   As he walked down the offices in Level 46, Peter was called over to a desk were some scientists were solving a very difficult equation. Kevin, a new intern who soon started to rise due to his high IQ, glared af the other scientists. Everyone knew he was the smartest in that level, so why would they call the oh so perfect heir? He was determined to unmask this sorry excuse of a heir and show everyone how dumb he actually was without the help if his daddy. Peter stared at the board for a few seconds and then stared again but upside down. Kevin was confused. Why would he need to do that? After a few minutes, Peter caught the problem and wrote down the correct answer. "You truly are amazing, Mini Boss!!" Said Kelly in admiration. "Tsk" said Kevin. "He's not better than I am." He then proceeded to turn on an artifact he had installed in his glasses that allowed him to see all of someone's information. He read. "Peter Parker-Stark. Parents: Mary Perker (deceased) and Richard Parker (deceased). Siblings: none. Other relatives: May Parker (deceased) and Benjamin Parker (deceased). Adoptive Parents: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts-Stark. IQ: 250. Partner: Gwen Stacy (deceased), Michelle Jones. Friends: Harry Osborn (in jail), Ned Leeds. " After that, he saw many articles of the murder of Gwen Stacy, the accident of Peter's parents  and all that. He was surprised and utterly confused. How the fuck could that kid be all smiley and stuff when all of his relatives were dead, his girlfriend dead, his best friend in jail after killing Peter's girlfriend and- just how? He finally understood why everyone liked him an took care of him so much. That kid has suffered enough. He would protect Peter Parker, even if it was the last thing he did.

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