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This will be kinda angsty.

-MJ- Peter whispered. -I know I've been holding you back. I know you've been staying just for me. It's just... you have been there for me ever since my high school days, saving me from Flash and helping me sneak out to save the city. And then we got married and we had- his voice broke as he exhaled shakily -We had two beautiful children. But now... I can't tolerate seeing you in so much pain. I see the way you flinch when getting into your wheelchair. I see how tired you are, how much your smile is forced. So please, don't hold back for us- he quieted as he stared at Michelle's sleeping figure. Her face looked so peaceful, as if she knew. No, Peter knew she was aware of this. That's why she insisted so much on their children visiting them that day and on Peter staying the night. Tears streamed down his face. -I know you want to leave, but you won't because you are afraid. I've lost almost everyone in my life, and you don't want that to happen again, but it's ok. It's ok. You can leave, you should leave. We'll be fine. Leave please- He sobbed and covered his face with a shaky hand. -I can't tolerate seeing you suffer anymore. Leave us MJ, please- he whispered the last part. -I lo- He was cut off by a rapid beeping sound. No. No. No no no no no! His breathing quickened as the doctors entered the room hurriedly.  His vision became foggy and he screamed his lungs out I agony, doctors holding him back.

They lost her. Peter stepped into his empty house, his face, emotionless. He walked into the kitchen when something caught his eye. It was a picture of Michelle and him smiling softly at the camera. That moment, something snapped inside of him. He started shaking uncontrollably and screaming -WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE HER, WHY, WH,Y WHY?!- He started punching the vibranium walls, not caring that his knuckles were splitting open. A wave of pain shot up his arm, firing his anger more. -SHE DIDN'T DESERVE THIS!!- He yelled in frustration, crying his heart out.

Happy stepped into the house, wanting to make sure the kid was home after visiting his wife at the hospital. What he found was the complete opposite he was expecting. Peter was crying and yelling in sheer agony while breaking the kitchen. He hurriedly ran towards him and restraint him in a hug while whispering soothing things. Peter stopped yelling and moving and he just stood there, shaking. Then he broke down. -She's dead hap. They couldn't- he started sobbing uncontrollably, unable to finished the sentence. Happy gasped silently and hugged him tighter. The kid had gone through a lot, and just when he seemed to have figured it out, he lost his wife. No matter what, he said to himself, I'm not letting anything happen to this kid again. I will protect him with my life.

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