The Star of Midtown High (part 3)

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This is probably gonna be my last one shot.

Nat was walking down the street in a disguise while following a guy who worked for HYDRA. As she got closer to the man, she saw him turn towards an alleyway, so she did the obvious; she continued walking straight. She knew the man had noticed her following him and probably turned to the alley so he could kill her, and honestly, she wasn't feeling like killing anyone today. She watched the tracker in her phone and, seeing as the man hadn't moved yet, she climbed an emergency staircase and went back to the alleyway by jumping from roof to roof.

When she landed where the man was supposed to be, she only saw the tracker stuck in the wall. She picked it up to see it closely and the next thing she knew, she had been hit with two tranquilizers in the shoulder. As her vision became blurry, she saw a tall, buff man standing in front of her.

When she came back to conciousness, she noticed she wasn't in the alleyway anymore, but in a comfortable bed in a somewhat greenish turquoise room. The walls were covered in science posters and the nightstand had an alarm clock that was apparently broken many, many times and it was covered in some weird webs. She looked around and saw a kid treating her wounds. "Wha-?" She started saying, but got cut off by the kid. "Uh  sorry miss Black Widow, ma'am, I found you bleeding out in an alleyway so I thought I may help you, considering you saved the world so many times and all. Oh, and I'm Peter, by the way, Peter Parker." The kid, Peter, smiled brightly while stitching Natasha up. She noticed how careful he was and how gentle his hands moved. She also didn't let slide the fact that a 15-ish year old kid knew how to stitch up stab wounds. "Where did you learn to do this?" She managed to say, noticing her raspy voice. Peter chuckled. "Well  considering I get stabbed and/or shot almost every night, I had to learn it somehow" "You wHAT?!" He clasped his hand to his mouth. "Shit. No, uhm, I mean, it's a very dangerous zone???"  "That sounded way more like a question, kid" He scratched his neck. "Ah, em, uhhh...." "Besides, you have webs everywhere and you seem super weak, even though you have huge muscles. Now, I will make an assumption, and I'm 99% it's correct. So, tell me now, are you that new superhero? Spider-Man, I believe it is." Peter paled, gulped and nodded slowly. "And you are 14?" She asked. Peter shook his head. "No, I'm 15. Please don't tell anyone! I need to keep Aunt Mat safe!" He said as he stood up and started talking again. "I guess you're hungry, here you are" He handed her a mug o coffee and a croissant. She smiled and enjoyed the next hour while talking to the spiderboy.

That night at the tower, she thought about the kid risking his life every day for the people, watching out for everyone, even though he was bullied. She went to sleep with a smile on her face, maybe some day she could do some good like the little star named Peter did.

Thanks for reading this book! Hope you enjoy it!!

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