Cassian x Jyn [1]

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"Why does this always happen to me?!" Jyn shrieked, chucking the blaster away from her.

It hit the far wall with a loud clang, to which Jyn just groaned. She placed her head in her hands, strands of mousy brown hair falling around her fingers like a curtain. Maybe it was the stress of the mission or perhaps even the mere thought of being reunited with her father but lately, it seemed like even the little things provoked her. Like right now. She'd been trying for hours to load her blaster but somehow, it always became jammed. She was almost positive she had been loading it correctly.

After all, she'd done it a thousand times before. Suddenly, loud footsteps came up the ramp into the ship. She knew at once who it was. Jyn didn't even lift up her head, just pouted with her back against the wall. The boots stopped just in front of her.

"What happened?" Cassian asked, his thick accent tinging his words.

Jyn's blue eyes met Cassian's dark orbs and she sighed, nodding towards the discarded blaster on the ground.

"Stupid thing keeps jamming on me," she huffed in annoyance.

He laughed, shaking his head at her.

"I knew you weren't cut out for this," he mumbled and she shot him a look.

"It's not because of that and you know it," Jyn shot back.

He put his hands up in surrender briefly before walking over to it and picking it up in his hand. Sitting down beside her, he emptied out the bullets from the blaster. Slowly, he re-loaded them into the chamber before snapping the slot closed. Holding it up for her to see, he smiled.

"See?" he told her, "Nothing to it,"

Her hand brushed his as he handed it back to her, making a light blush appear on her cheeks. Nudging her shoulder playfully, he smirked.

"Just leave it to the professionals, Erso," he teased.

She barked out a laugh, arching her eyebrows at the olive-skinned man beside her.

"Great advice, Andor. I'll just let the guys know you quit the mission," Jyn shrugged, starting to get up.

Cassian quickly grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her back down to him. She blushed scarlet again from the contact.

"Nice try, Jyn."

A shrug and a slight smile.

"I learned from the best."

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