Cassian Andor x reader

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I sighed in relief as the ship went into hyperspace, the stars turning into streamers around me for a split-second. Then we were drifting through space. My fingers punched the auto-pilot button and I leaned back in my seat. Thank goodness we'd got away from those Imperials. Or should I say, I got away. Cassian got knocked out in the first five minutes of the fight and had to be dragged back to the ship unconscious by K-2SO and I.

Afterward, of course, K-2SO had excused himself because he "couldn't be bothered to play nurse-maid to Cassian". Wiping a hand across my face tiredly, I got up and walked over to the table in the back. In a booth across from it lied Cassian, asleep. My eyes landed on his resting form and I smiled. Grabbing an old blanket from the storage unit, I made my way over to him. I squatted down then, throwing it over him gently.

With nimble fingers, I brought it up to his neck and in his sleep, he caught my hand before I was able to pull away. Arching an eyebrow at him, I watched to see if he was awake. But he must not have been because he muttered something incoherent before a soft snore burst free from him. I stifled a laugh briefly with my other hand before attempting to pry my hand free of his grip. But he only held on tighter.

"Mmm..." he mumbled softly, "Be my Wookiee,"

I snorted, grinning widely down at him.

"But I'm not a Wookiee," I told him, holding back my laughter so as not to wake him.

"Don't eat Jawas! They're cute and cuddly..." he whispered, nuzzling the blanket.

I tried to pry his fingers free again when he spoke up one last time, catching me off-guard.

"I hope Harper will like me, I like Harper..." he mumbled, almost incoherently.

My face broke into a grin and I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach. Cassian liked me?! I bit my lip as he turned over in his sleep then, back facing me. Well, this is something I could have fun with, I thought to myself with a smirk. He woke up a couple of hours later, hair disheveled and clothes crumpled from sleep.

"Hey," I told him, leaning back in the pilot's chair in the cockpit.

"How long was I out?" he asked, feeling the bump on his head.

I shrugged, smiling conspiratorially, "Oh, long enough for me to get some interesting news,"

"Oh?" he arched an eyebrow in confusion.

I nodded, "Cassian, are you aware that you talk in your sleep?"

His tan face paled considerably and he looked around nervously, avoiding my eyes.

"No, I was not aware of this... Why? Did I say s-something?" he stuttered out.

I smiled and got up from my seat, coming to stand in front of him.

"Cassian..." I said softly, "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?"

His brown eyes widened and he shook his head profusely.

"Oh, I-I don't- Not me. Must've been someone else-" he started but I cut him off with my lips.

It was simple - short and sweet. But when I pulled away, his face was beet-red. He began to nod furiously.

"Yes, well, maybe that was me."

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