Anakin x Padme [AU] [6] [Pt. 2]

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It was times like these, glancing down at her sleeping children, Padme wondered if they would ever know their father... After all, she had never truly known her own. When her mother, Jobal, re-married, her and her sister had been skeptical. Their family had been just three for so long, ever since their dad had walked out on them. Although 'dad' perhaps wasn't the best term to use for an abusive and controlling man who never took the time to be with his daughters.

Unlike Ruwee who was so loving and caring, always there for them whenever they needed it. In so many ways, Padme had wanted this same example for her own children. And Anakin would have excelled at fatherhood, she just knew it...

Suddenly, the comlink in her pocket beeped and she fished it out before holding it up to her mouth.

"Senator, Mon Mothma is here to see you," Captain Typho's voice filtered through the device.

"Thank you, Captain. Send her up." she responded before turning the comlink off and heading for the kitchen.

Asking C-3PO to start making some Juri Juice for them, Padme reached into the cabinet to retrieve the Drink Gees bags before dropping them into two empty cups and letting the droid do the rest. For the most part, she had become accustomed to managing things such as this herself. But she still allowed C-3PO to wait on them when she was entertaining other members of the Senate like today.

By the time her fellow Senator had stepped out of the elevator, she welcomed her with a smile and a cup of Juri Juice. They chatted away the morning, lost in conversation about new dealings in the Senate, how things had changed so drastically (and not for the better) since the rise of the Empire, etc. Nothing had been the same for so long. These were dark times they were living in and if she was being honest with herself, Padme feared for her life - and that of her family's. She still didn't trust Palpatine - or should she deign to call him Emperor now?

Queen Apailana had been more forgiving of her secret pregnancy than Padme had first assumed and continued to let her be a representative of Naboo in the Senate after the babies had been born. Although, she did wonder if it was only because the Queen no longer trusted very many politicians since the crumbling of the Republic. She had told no one of the paternity of her twins aside from Obi-Wan Kenobi and her close friend, Senator Bail Organa. It seems trust was in short supply all around these days. Because not even her parents or sister knew the identity of the father.

Obi-Wan was now in hiding deep in the slums of Coruscant. He came as often as he could to visit her but she truly wished he would have left the planet. It would've been safer. In all honesty, the very same thought had been on her own mind. For the protection of the twins, it was something to be considered...

When Mon finally left, Padme picked up the cups and took them back to the kitchen. Tossing them into the sink, she gazed out the window to find it had began to rain. She bit her lip in thought, a sad smile tugging at the corners of her mouth...

"Ani!" Padme cried out just as the power shut off.

As the apartment was plunged into darkness, her heart skittered in her chest with anxiety. She'd always hated storms as a child but even as she aged, the fear had never abated. A loud clap of thunder rumbled outside and she jumped in surprise. When the storm had began to worsen, Anakin ordered her to stay here and went off to find a glowrod (he had been banned from using his lightsaber as a light source in the apartment after accidently slicing the couch in half). But that had been minutes ago and he still wasn't back. Where had he gone? It's not as if the apartment was that spacious...

Padme called out for him once more but only silence greeted her in response. Stumbling in the darkness, she felt along the wall with her hands to guide her way. She was beginning to feel frantic - she couldn't see a thing.

"Anakin!" Padme shouted again, raising her voice higher as her anxiety increased.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and spinning around, came face-to-face with her husband. Breathing out "Ani" in a sigh of relief, she fell into his waiting arms as he held her close.

"What's wrong?" Anakin asked in surprise, "I was only gone a couple of minutes,"

"I know. I just...hate storms. I needed you." Padme answered softly, looking up into his cerulean gaze.

Anakin smiled briefly before pressing his mouth to hers gently in a reassuring kiss, his arms wrapped tight around her body...

Sipping her Ruby Bliel as she settled back into the soft cushions of the couch, Padme turned on the HoloTV. She flipped through the movies and TV shows with unappealing titles - Bleeding Love, Tears of the Widow, Wedding Blues, Death of the Vanished - until she located Holonet News.

"And now there are 20 speeders. That is quite a pile-up! Well, better not go that way, folks. Now to the story of the afternoon. Alton?" Anora Fair, the beautiful young journalist reported.

"Thank you, Anora. Today's story is about fugitive Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, who disappeared four months ago. His speeder was found abandoned amid the ruins of the Jedi Temple in the aftermath of the rebellion-" Alton Kastle began when Padme cut the TV off.

She already dwelled on his absence far too much. She didn't need to hear it constantly repeated in every headline. Suddenly, her comlink began to beep incessantly.

Slightly aggravated by the interruption, she clicked it on and snapped, "What is it now?"

The voice of her dear friend, Senator Bail Organa, rang out in the otherwise silent room, sparking hope in her chest.

"I think I found something."

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