Luke Skywalker x reader

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"Be reasonable. What if something's happened to him out there?"

Biting my lip, I could feel the nausea roiling over me at Han's words. Technically, I shouldn't have been eavesdropping in the first place. So, perhaps, I had no right to feel upset at his words. Nevertheless, the apprehension was now curling in my stomach at the thought of Luke being injured somewhere out there on his own.

He was a Jedi and he could take care of himself. I knew this. But...lately Luke and I had gotten closer. I never imagined any romantic feelings would arise from our training sessions. In fact, he hadn't even wanted to train me and wouldn't have if it hadn't been for Leia's pestering. I had been her own personal bodyguard in our youth on Alderaan and it was true I'd always been Force-sensitive.

But the Empire had been in power back then and my parents, terrified of what might happen to me, suppressed this fact from both myself and anyone who may have an interest in my abilities. Leia was the only one who recognized the traits in me due to her parent' involvement with the Old Republic. The idea of it scared me, though, I admit. Not only being able to do what others could not but to know that my "kind" had been hunted well before I was even born. Besides, what would the Emperor do to me if he found out?

I had heard stories of other Force-sensitive children snatched from their families, trained in the ways of the Dark Side as long as their bodies could handle it. But if they couldn't...well, there were horror stories about that, too. Too many names crossed out on a bloodstained list. The thought made me shudder even now.

But when the Empire fell and the Rebels took over to create a New Republic of their own, Leia had brought me to Luke in order for him to train me in the ways of the Light Side as it had been taught to him. She urged him to begin training other Force-sensitives like myself, to even open his own training center. Luke had been hesitant at first, insisting if he do this that he start with only a few. Leia thought he was being unreasonable but I could see through his apprehension for what it was - insecurity. He hadn't even known he was a Jedi for that long before his mentor passed - two mentors, in fact. And now? Now he was on his own, the only remaining Jedi.

I think he was scared of what might happen, that one of us might turn to the Dark Side and that he would be the one to blame. That perhaps it would be due to his failings as a mentor. He didn't give himself near enough credit, though. So far, Luke had been an excellent teacher - he was patient, understanding, caring yet stern. And he pushed you to your limit because he knew what you were capable of. I can't say for certain when the feelings began to swirl inside my heart but swirl they did.

And before I knew it, I was head over heels for Luke Skywalker. Of course, that brings us right back to the matter at hand. Luke had left the temple hours ago when a disturbance in the Force called his name...and something showed up on the scanners set up in the security room. Han and Leia had come to visit when it all transpired. They'd been married for the past couple of years now and were expecting their first child. They wanted to ask Luke to be the godfather. But no one counted on a crisis happening directly after announcing their joyous news.

Leia's brown eyes followed me across the room as I paced - back and forth, back and forth. I was lucky I hadn't paced a hole in the floor yet. Chewing on my lower lip, my eyes flicked every so often to the colossal monitor situated on the opposite wall. We couldn't even see the blue dot that symbolized Luke any longer. It had disappeared off the map not long after he did.

A warm hand pressed down on my shoulder gently and I glanced up into the sympathetic eyes of my best friend.

"He's going to be okay. It's Luke, after all. He can take care of himself," Leia assured me.

A sigh escaped my mouth, "I know, I know. It's just...I wish he'd let me come. I could've helped him out there. And even if I couldn't have, at least he wouldn't be alone right now..."

I cleared my throat then, glancing away as tears burned behind my eyes. Leia's arm reached out to encircle me in a side-hug, squeezing me tightly.

"Look...why don't you lie down for a while? It's getting late," she said gently and at my look of protest continued, "If Han or I hear something, I promise we'll let you know."

I nodded in response, allowing her to lead me up the steps to the upper floor of the temple where the bedchambers were located before I bid her goodnight. However, as soon as the door shut behind me, I knew I had no intention of going to sleep. Luke needed me and he needed me now. I couldn't wait any longer. Yes, he was more than capable of taking care of himself. But what if he was injured somewhere? Or had been taken captive? Some of the Emperor's spies still lurked out in the darkness...

This decided, I hurriedly (and quietly) packed a bag before slipping out the back door. The forest seemed to rise up on either side of me, shadows of gnarled tree branches reaching out like claws. Shaking off the spooked feeling curling in my stomach, I set off on my quest to rescue Luke from whatever had befallen him.

But eventually after hours of walking, my stamina expired and I had to find a place to rest for the night. Lying on the cold hard ground with only the stars shining above me for light, I felt so small and alone. And finally, the one thought I had been shoving away from my mind since Luke disappeared surfaced...what if he was...

That feeling of nausea rose inside me again and it felt like a boulder was sitting on my chest. If Luke died and I never told him...

The thought released a flood of tears I had been holding back and the sobs overtook me in the darkness. Yet somehow, between it all...I managed to fall asleep, probably from pure exhaustion.

I was awoken by softness and warmth. At first thought, it was the sun heating me from the inside out, kissing my skin with a gentle softness I desperately needed. But, that was not the sun. Wearily, I blinked my eyes open to gaze up into a very familiar smiling face...a face I had missed so deeply.

"Luke!" I cried out with a widening grin, jumping up to tackle him in a tight hug.

He let out a laugh that made my heart ache in the most pleasant way, hugging me back just as tight. After a moment, he pulled away to look down into my face. His dirty blond hair was a bit disheveled, a purple-blue bruise growing on his left cheek but otherwise, he seemed fine.

"What happened out here?" I asked before he had a chance to speak.

"Just some local boys trying to stir up trouble. I think they were Imperial sympathizers. But it's fine, I took care of it - they're gone now," Luke assured me, squeezing my arms gently before releasing me from his touch.

The skin beneath my clothes burned from his touch, eliciting a dusting of scarlet across the tops of my cheeks that I tried to hide. But it had always been hard to hide anything from Luke...

He furrowed his eyebrows then, sensing a change in my mood, "What's wrong? Did something happen while I was away?"

I sighed internally. Sometimes I truly hated the Force.

"No, not while you were away. I just..." I trailed off, untangling myself from his grasp then to pace in front of him, "Luke...when you began training Jedi, what rules have you set down?"

He frowned in confusion so I plunged ahead, "I've heard things growing up - about the Old Republic. And all of the Jedi's self-imposed laws. Are you planning on...following in their footsteps?"

He arched an eyebrow briefly at my seemingly odd behavior and shrugged in response, "I'm sure I'll be following some but not all. Times have changed - republics and empires have rose and fallen. Everything is different now. Why do you ask? What particular law are you thinking of?"

I swallowed down the lump in my throat before taking a breath. Might as well spit it out.

"Luke, the Jedi...were not ever to marry before and-" I began.

"So you want to get married?" he cut me off.

"No! Nothing like that...I mean, not now anyway... I just...what if I want to be a Jedi but...I'm also attracted to someone..."

Gazing down at my feet now, I noticed his take a step closer. My eyes flicked back to up his and saw an amused expression plastered there. A smile teased the edges of my mouth.

"Well...I suppose we don't have to follow that one then."

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