Anakin x Padme [AU] [5]

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Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance just outside the wide mouth of the cave. The sky was beginning to turn black as night closed in all around. Although safe within the warm embrace of their mother, the twins cried loudly. The day had been long and arduous, filled with nasty surprises and hard truths. Despite their only being a few days old, the twins somehow seemed to sense the tensions all around. Perhaps it was the fact that their father was a Jedi - Padme's children had inherited some of their father's natural Force abilities. Or maybe it was only that they missed their father as deeply as she did.

"Your father's going to be okay," Padme cooed as the babies nestled in her arms slowly found their way to sleep, "I promise."

It was several hours later when Anakin and Obi-Wan finally returned. Their mission had been fruitless, having turned up no new information on their fellow missing Jedi or the Empire's plans for destruction. Both carried the remnants of battle, however, in the form of scrapes and bruises which Padme helped to mend the best way she knew how.

When Anakin had burst into the apartment they shared to announce the fall of the Republic and Palpatine's subsequent takeover as supreme ruler, she hadn't had time to take very much with her before they escaped. Nothing really apart from the clothes on her back, a first aid kit, and the Japor Snippet necklace that Ani had once given her currently hanging from her neck. It was just this quick thinking on her part that would help Anakin now.

Padme sat with him on the damp cave floor, dabbing the cut on his cheek as he winced from the sting of it.

She rolled her eyes at his childish behavior, "Hold still, Anakin!"

"Fine," he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

As she finished, Obi-Wan paced the floor impatiently. They needed an escape plan from here - they had already lingered too long. Not that it could be helped. All of the panic and confusion had induced her labor early and thankfully, they had found this cave in the nick of time. Otherwise, she'd have given birth out in the wilderness somewhere. Padme could admit to herself that she'd been skeptical of having two Jedi deliver her babies but it wasn't as if she'd had a choice in the matter.

"Now, is that better?" Padme asked him gently, caressing her husband's cheek with her fingertips.

"Much." Anakin answered softly, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned his face into her palm.

A laugh escaped Padme's mouth and Obi-Wan was about to reprimand them for wasting time when suddenly, a scream pierced the air. It had emanated from somewhere outside...somewhere close. Anakin's cerulean eyes flew open and he turned his head in the direction of the sound. Someone had just been killed, she could see it in the disturbed expression on Obi-Wan's face. Two lightsabers were activated then, lighting up the cave in a pool of luminescent blue.

"Padme, take the babies to the back of the cave. NOW!" Anakin ordered her, fear for his family clear in his ocean gaze.

Padme gathered up the infants in her arms once more without protest. Palpatine - or as he preferred to be called now, Darth Sidious - had spies all over these mountains, all over this galaxy, in fact. As she ran straight into the pitch-black darkness ahead of her, all she could hear from behind was the clash of lighstabers. Whoever it was was now in the cave with them...and it sounded like more than one someone. She put on a burst of speed, as fast as she could with two now-crying babies in her arms.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of running feet. Not knowing if it was Anakin and Obi-Wan or the someone who they had fought, she quickly looked for a place to hide. But there were no crevices, no alternate winding paths beside the narrowing one ahead. Panicking, she realized there was nowhere to go. What would happen to her and her children?

Then the sound of panting reached her ears and suddenly, two shadows melted into existence behind her. Whirling around, she faced the familiar silhouettes of Anakin and Obi-Wan. A sigh of relief was quickly followed by a gasp when she noticed the bleeding gash on Anakin's arm.

"Ani!" Padme cried, rushing to his side.

"I'm fine, Padme," Anakin assured her, squeezing her arms gently before letting go, "But they were right behind us. So let's just get out of her first, alright?"

Padme nodded her head as slowly, the sound of the footsteps having long since ceased although the threat had not been eliminated. Blood from Anakin's wound dripped onto the floor then, quickly creating a small puddle. As Anakin wobbled on his feet, clearly in a weakened state, Padme realized his wounds were more serious than he had admitted. He would have collapsed had it not been for Obi-Wan and Padme holding him up.

Obi-Wan's blue eyes were filled with concern as he gazed past his former apprentice at Padme 's stricken face.

"Padme, we need to split up. Palpatine sent those spies, we cannot linger. But Anakin needs medical help that neither of us can administer. This wound looks serious," Obi-Wan told her, his tone gentle but firm in its resolve, "But...I don't like the thought of leaving you alone with the twins..."

She was a mother now, it was true. And a wife. But she had not become the Queen of Naboo at the young age of 14 for her cowardice or the Senator she was now...or was that still a title she could call her own since the rise of the Empire? She shook the thought away. She knew what must be done.

"There isn't another way, Obi-Wan. We can't keep going like this, we're better protected together but...we're also easier targets in a group," Padme strategized, adjusting the babies in her arms, "We'll meet up on Tatooine. They'll never think to look there, it's out of the way and apart of the Outer Rim. Besides, Palpatine wouldn't dream that Anakin would ever want to go back there,"

"Alright. We'll meet up there then. Can you acquire a transport for you and the children? I can manage with myself and Anakin," Obi-Wan said.

"Of course. The galaxy may be falling apart but I still know my way around it, Obi-Wan." she said with a rueful smile, despite the heaviness of their situation.

Nodding to her once, he shifted Anakin's weight to rest against the cave wall as he moved a few paces away to give the two a chance to say goodbye. Ever since finding out about their secret liaison, he had been more accepting than either had ever imagined. However, whether that was due to happiness for them or the current crumbling of the Republic and all the Jedi stood for, neither could be sure.

She kissed him sweetly then, his lips warm and soft on hers for a moment before they broke apart.

"I love you. Please be safe." Padme whispered against his mouth, hugging him tightly.

His soft murmur of, "I love you, too" was only audible to her as he kissed each of his babies goodbye as well before the party of five went their separate ways at the cave entrance. Hot tears filled her brown eyes as together Anakin and Obi-Wan took off in the opposite direction they had come. She watched them until they disappeared over the towering hills.

And although a deep sadness swirled inside her chest, her sleeping infants nestled safely in the warmth of her embrace, she knew she would see her love again. Darth Sidious may have taken their way of life from them but he would never take their love. Because their love would conquer all, including the Dark Side. This was only the beginning.

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