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Drew laid on the ground with Melody sitting on his chest. Brendon was sitting on the couch with Niall watching the telly. They were just waiting for Liam to come home so they could discuss dinner.

" Dad, what's for dinner?" Drew asks. Melody was currently playing with Drew's hair.

" Not sure. We'll talk about it when papa is here." Niall says.

" I'm too hungry. I can't last that long." Drew says. Drew acts like he's dead. Melody giggles and plays with his cheeks.

" Stop being so dramatic. Papa will be home soon." Niall says. Melody perks up at the mention of Liam.

" Papa?" Melody asks.

" He's almost home princess. You'll see him soon." Niall reassures. Melody starts to chant 'papa'. Niall looks at his youngest son who was buried in his phone.

" You good there baby?" Niall asks. Brendon looks up from his phone.

" Yeah. Just talking with Sage." Brendon says. Niall nods his head.

The door to the garage opens. Liam walks into the room and smiles at his family members.

" Hey guys, I'm home." Liam says.

" Papa!" Melody exclaims. She carefully slides off of Drew. She stands up and tries to take a couple steps to Liam. Liam walks the rest and picks her up.

" Hi princess. Did you miss me?" Liam says. He kisses her cheek.

" Cool, pa's here. Can we please talk about dinner now?" Drew says.

" Can I at least sit down?" Liam asks. He walks over to Niall. He sits down and places Melody on his lap. He quickly kisses Niall's lips. Drew lets out a groan. Niall rolls his eyes. He looks at his oldest on the floor.

" What do you want for dinner DJ?" Niall asks.

" I don't know." Drew says.

" Are you serious DJ? You're complaining you're hungry and then don't have an idea?" Brendon says. Drew gives Brendon a dirty look.

" Oh, shut the hell up." Drew says. Liam stops the bickering boys. He didn't want it to get out of hand.

" We can make whatever is in the house." Liam says.

" We have chicken, pasta, hamburger meat to name a few things." Niall says.

" Eh, we can have pasta." Drew says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Then I'll start it." Niall says. He stands up from the couch and walks to the kitchen. Liam looks at his two boys in their own worlds.

" So, how was everyone's day?" Liam asks.

" Fine." Brendon says.

" Boring." Drew says. Liam sighs. He looks back at Drew, who was now on his phone.

" Have you looked up any uni's yet?" Liam asks.

" Nah." Drew says.

" Now why not?" Liam asks. Drew turns to face Liam.

" Because I told you. I don't want to leave Sage." Drew casually says.

" That's a dumb reason. She would want you to go to uni." Brendon says. Drew gives Brendon the middle finger.

" I didn't ask for your opinion." Drew says. Melody looks at Drew giving Brendon the middle finger. Melody was about to do it when Liam stops her.

" Don't think about it." Liam says covering her hands. Melody giggles. Liam looks at Drew," Please watch your gestures and language around Melody."

" Sorry pa." Drew says, still giving Brendon a mean look.

" I know you don't want to leave Sage, but you should really look into it DJ. You have to figure out what you want to do with your future. You can still be with Sage through it all." Liam says. Drew lets out a sigh.

" I don't know what I want to do though, that's also my problem." Drew says.

" That's okay too DJ. You can always talk to your counselors at school and you always have me and dad to fall back on." Liam says. Drew gives Liam a smile.

" Thanks pa." Drew says.

" I can't wait till he leaves. I'll finally have a room to myself." Brendon says.

" You'll think that now, but you'll miss him when he leaves." Liam says.

" I doubt it." Brendon says.

" The feeling is mutual loser." Drew says. Liam rolls his eyes at his boys. He stands up and places Melody on his hip. He walks into the kitchen to see dinner almost ready.

" You want some help Ni?" Liam asks.

" I need someone to set the table." Niall says. Liam places Melody on the ground.

" I can do that." Liam says. He grabs plates and silverware. He sets them on the table. He grabs a training plate and silverware for Melody. He sets them next to his and Niall's spot at the table by her high chair.

" Boys! Dinner's ready!" Niall calls. Liam picks up Melody before she could walk away. He places her in her high chair. Melody pouts her lip out at Liam.

" Papa." Melody pouts.

" Don't give me that look princess. You're only here for a second." Liam says. Niall places some food in front of Melody. Melody smiles at Niall.

" Dada!" Melody exclaims. Niall kisses the top of her head. Melody takes the time to dig into her own dinner as Drew and Brendon walk into the kitchen. They sit at their spots at the table. Niall places the bowl of pasta and the sauce to go with it on the table. He looks at the family.

" What do you guys want to drink?" Niall asks. Liam guides Niall to sit down at his spot at the table.

" I can take care of it Ni." Liam says. Niall shrugs his shoulders. He stops Melody from playing with her food. Liam goes to the refrigerator and looks at his family.

" I'll have water." Brendon says.

" I'll have a cola." Drew says. Liam grabs water and a cola. He walks back to the table and hands his kids their drinks. He sits down and starts to eat dinner himself. Niall looks at Liam.

" So how was work?" Niall asks.

" It was okay. Nothing much to talk about other than it stressing me." Liam says.

" Sorry to hear that. But you're home now so it'll be okay." Niall says. Liam nods his head.

" Dada!" Melody exclaims. Niall lets out a sigh. Melody had pasta sauce all over herself and her clothes. And he loved the outfit he had on her. Niall starts wiping off her face.

" Oh Melody, I swear you're worse than DJ." Niall says. Melody giggles as Niall was wiping her face.

" Hey, I'm not that messy." Drew says with pasta sauce all over his mouth and cheeks.

" DJ, ya got pasta sauce on your face." Brendon says. Drew quickly wipes the sauce off.

" I was talking about when you were a baby, but I guess nothing's changed." Niall says. The family laughs.

They finished up dinner and spent the night in their own worlds.


Man, I'm really cranking out these updates and I'm actually really proud. I'm very excited to end this story and I have a great ending that I have in mind (don't worry theres still plenty of chapters before I end this story). There was just a point where I never thought about finishing this story and now I'm so close to finishing. It's crazy to me.

I'm really glad I decided to finish this story.

I don't think I have anything else to say. If you have any comments, feel free to comment or message me.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much.


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