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Brendon did not want to get up, that's for sure. His alarm was going off and he sat there in bed wondering if school was actually worth it. After a couple minutes, he turned his alarm off and sat up in bed. Brendon let out a sigh.

Brendon got off the top bunk of his and his brother's bunk beds, and walked to his dressers. He pulled out a random flannel and jeans and closed the drawer. He slipped his pajama shirt off and slipped his flannel on. He stripped his shorts off that he sleeps in and pulls on his jeans. Once he finished dressing, he walks over to his brother on the bottom bunk.

" DJ, ya gotta get up." Brendon says. Drew didn't even bother to move. Brendon rolls his eyes.

" DJ!" Brendon yells. Drew flings himself off the pillow.

" I'm up!" Drew exclaims. Drew looks tiredly at Brendon.

" Why the fuck are you waking me up?" Drew asks.

" You have to get ready for school." Brendon says. Drew lets out a groan and throws himself back onto his pillow.

" C'mon DJ, you have to get up." Brendon says.

" I'll get up eventually. Fuck off now." Drew says turning to the other side.

" But we have to-"

" I'll fucking get up eventually Brendon! Leave me the fuck alone!" Drew yells. Brendon shakes his head. He hates how his brother is. Brendon walks out of his shared room and walks to the bathroom downstairs. He looks at himself in the mirror.

He hates the way he looks. He hates his brown eyes, he hates his brown hair, he hates his crooked teeth that won't ever be fixed. He basically hates everything about himself.

Brendon grabs his hairbrush and starts brushing through his hair. As he was brushing his hair, he looks in the mirror to see his dad peeking his head into the bathroom. Brendon looks at his dad.

" Hi dad." Brendon says.

" Hi Bren. You feeling okay this morning?" Niall says stepping into the bathroom.

" I guess. I'm just tired." Brendon says. Brendon finishes brushing his hair.

" Maybe you can come home and take a nap." Niall says.

" Dad, I have marching band practice after school today." Brendon says.

" Shit, I forgot. Well, all I can say is drink some caffeine." Niall says. Brendon rolls his eyes. Niall kisses Brendon's cheek.

" Cheer up baby. It's not the end of the world." Niall says. Niall walks out of the bathroom as a tired looking Drew walks in. Brendon starts looking for his deodorant. Drew grabs his hairbrush and starts brushing his hair. Drew looks at Brendon.

" Move Brendon." Drew says.

" Why? I'm just looking for my deodorant. I'm not even doing anything." Brendon says.

" Yeah, but you're in my way." Drew says.

" No I'm not. We've had this bathroom for years and you've never complained before." Brendon says.

" Just get your shit done and get out of the bathroom." Drew says. Brendon finds his deodorant and applies it on him. He puts his deodorant back and looks at Drew.

" There you go your majesty. Take the bathroom." Brendon says. Brendon walks out of the bathroom to see Niall watching the morning news in the family room. Brendon walks to the couch and sits next to Niall.

" Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Niall asks.

" Not yet, but it's too early for me to eat." Brendon says.

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