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" Alright boys, do we have everything?"

" Yes dad."

" Did you guys finish your homework?"

" Yes dad."

" Are you lying to me?"

" No dad."

" Ni, we gotta get going." Liam states. Niall nods his head.

" Okay. Let's go find out if we're having a boy or a girl." Niall says. That's right. The Payne gang is going to the hospital to have an ultrasound for Niall's pregnancy. He's 18 weeks along, so they should figure out the gender. Drew, Brendon, and Liam wanted to leave, but Niall kept asking questions to the boys. It was a miracle that Liam got Niall's attention off of his children.

The family walk to the car and they get in the car. Liam starts the car and drives out of the neighborhood. He starts driving towards the hospital as he enjoys Niall's humming to the radio. Liam connects his hand not on the steering wheel with Niall's hand. Niall smiles at the motion.

" Are you excited to figure out the gender Li?" Niall asks.

" I'm just excited who'll win the bet." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes knowing Liam was going to say that.

" You're such a dick head." Niall says.

" But I'm your dick head." Liam says. Niall nods his head in agreement. Niall turns around to face his boys who were staring down at their phones.

" Boys, are you excited about knowing whether you get a brother or a sister?" Niall asks.

" I don't really want another Brendon in the family." Drew says without looking up from his phone. He was deep in his conversation with Sage.

Brendon looks up from his phone to look at Drew. Brendon drops his mouth in shock at him," Bitch, I can say the same thing, you fuck head."

" Yeah, at least I get pussy." Drew says without skipping a beat. Brendon angrily shakes his head.

" Why would you say that? I don't even like pussy!" Brendon exclaims. Niall lets out a sigh at his bickering boys. He has to put a stop to this before it gets way out of hand.

" Drew James and Brendon Alexander, knock it off." Niall scolds.

" I didn't start it though! DJ is making fun of me!" Brendon says on the verge of tears. Drew rolls his eyes.

" Go cry about it." Drew mocks. Niall shakes his head and looks at Liam.

" Turn the car around." Niall says. Liam looks at Niall weird.

" But why would I-"

" Just do what I say." Niall says. Liam nods his head and does what he says. Liam does his best to turn the car around without hitting any other car.

This motion makes Drew look up from his phone.

Both boys look at their parents sitting in front of them.

" Pa, why are we going back home?" Drew asks.

" Don't ask me, ask dad." Liam says. The two boys focus on their attention to Niall.

" Why are you making papa go back home?" Brendon asks.

" Because we're dropping both of you off back home. You boys don't deserve to be with us at the ultrasound. You're not acting like adults, you're acting like petty children. Because of your decisions towards each other, papa and I aren't telling you the gender of your sibling." Niall says. The two start shaking their heads.

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