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Drew was sitting in his car, almost bouncing up and down in his seat as he was driving. He was so excited to see his sister. He loved spending time with her. They were close in age and got together really well.

He couldn't wait to go home.

Drew quickly pulled into his driveway and stopped the car. He basically jumped out of the car with his bag and ran into the house through the garage. As he was slipping his shoes off, he heard a girl's voice talking to his dad.

" DJ, is that you?" Niall asks from the living room. Drew walks into the living room to see Niall sitting with Lani, obviously talking before Drew came home. Lani stands up from the couch.

" DJ. Big brother." Lani says opening her arms out for Drew. Drew ran to her and threw his arms around her.

" Oh god did I miss you." Drew says. Lani let out a laugh.

" I missed you too." Lani says. Drew lets go and looks at Lani. Lani looks around Drew with a frown on her face.

" Where's my little Brendon?" Lani asks.

" He's got band practice after school. His first competition is next week." Niall says. Lani looks at Niall.

" Uncle Niall, you should've told me earlier! I would have come to support my little baby!" Lani says.

" You can still come, it's just not your weekend with us." Niall says.

" True, I don't think my mum would care if I was with you guys." Lani says. Lani sits down next to Niall and looks at Drew.

" So DJ, when's your next football game?" Lani asks.

" Actually tonight. I came home to eat something and then I have to go back." Drew says. Lani looks at Niall.

" Yes, we're going because Brendon is performing also." Niall says. Lani squeals.

" God, I missed you guys so much." Lani says. Drew lets out a laugh.

" I missed you too. When did we last see you?" Drew asks sitting down next to Lani.

" Beginning of school. Once school starts I try to stay home for my studies, but daddy wanted me to come visit." Lani says.

" You should visit more often." Drew says.

" I really should, shouldn't I." Lani says. Niall looks at Drew.

" How was school today bub?" Niall asks. Drew shrugs his shoulders.

" School. It was boring." Drew says.

" Was it good today though?" Niall asks.

" I guess you could say that." Drew says," How was work?"

" Didn't work today. I've told you that multiple times this week." Niall says. Drew rolls his eyes.

" I don't listen to you often." Drew says. Niall lets out an irritated sigh.

" I swear DJ." Niall says. Drew smiles a big smile. Lani lets out a laugh.

" You're such a pain in the ass. I don't understand how he deals with you." Lani says.

" He doesn't." Drew says. Drew stands up and walks to the kitchen. He starts searching the pantry for something he can snack on. The garage door opens and closes.

" Li, that you?" Niall asks.

" Yeah it's me." Liam says slipping his shoes off by the door. Drew quickly grabs some random chips and runs back to the living room to see Liam and Lani hugging. Niall looks at Drew with disapproval.

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