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" Sage, I feel like shit." Drew mumbles.

" Everything will be okay DJ. Both of you just need time and space." Sage consoles.

Drew and Sage were sitting in the local coffee shop. Drew was sharing his home problems with Sage. He needed some advice and he was hoping Sage would help out. And he wanted to spend time with her because he loves spending time with Sage.

" It just sucks that my brother sees me like that. He sees me like some kind of monster that only hurts people. That's so shitty. I would never do that to you or anyone." Drew says.

" He was trying to be my friend. He was making sure I was okay." Sage says.

" But to attack me, his brother? I know we aren't really that close, but I never thought he would attack me like that. It makes me feel like shit. He continues to apologize about what happened, but I don't think he understands how I'm feeling. I feel this big," Drew raises his hand and shows how big he feels, which wasn't very big.

Sage slips her hand through Drew's hand mentioning how he feels. She then kisses his cheek.

" Then ignoring Brendon is probably not a good idea, hun. You should really talk to him." Sage says. She knows what Brendon is going through too and she knows the brothers just need to sit down and talk.

Drew lets out a sigh, " I know, but just looking at him makes me remember his words."

" Hun, you've said some nasty things to Brendon too." Sage says. Drew raises an eyebrow in confusion.

" What do you mean?" Drew asks.

" Brendon's told me you constantly call him a loser and put him down."

Drew scoffs, " That's not the same. That's just me being a big brother."

Sage gives him a stern look. She may be dating Drew, but Brendon is her best friend and she is going to stick up for her friend.

" DJ. It is the same." Sage says. Drew lets out a sigh.

" Okay, maybe it is the same. But what is there for me to do?" Drew says.

" Just talk to him. You don't have to talk about the situation right away, but I know he's dying to hear from you. Have small conversations with him and when you're ready to talk about what happened, talk about it with him. And you should apologize for the things you've done to him too." Sage says. Drew smiles a small smile at his girlfriend.

" Where would I be without you?" Drew says. Sage smiles.

" Not sure, but I wouldn't change anything for the world." Sage says. They lean in and kiss each other. Then they break apart and focus on their drinks. Sage looks back at Drew.

" Are you excited about your new sister?" Sage asks playing with the straw in her coffee cup. Drew takes a sip of his tea and thought about his answer.

" I think so." Drew finally says after a couple minutes.

" Why only 'I think so'? It's exciting getting a new sibling." Sage says.

" I mean yeah, it's exciting, but Brendon and I are adults. We've moved on from the baby stuff. Hell, I'm gonna be going to university soon, I don't have time to spend with her like I do with Brendon." Drew says.

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