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" Where the hell were you?" Niall questions once Brendon stepped through the door. Niall was standing in the middle of the living room blocking the view of the telly for Liam and Drew.

Niall obviously didn't care. He wanted to know where the hell his son was.

Brendon wasn't answering so Niall just stared at his dumbfounded son.

" Are ya gonna tell me or not? I would like an answer Brendon Alexander." Niall says. Niall could tell Brendon was coming up with lie in his head. He wasn't stupid. He did the same thing when he was in high school.

" I was out with... Sage." Brendon says, pausing to think of a name. Niall rolls his eyes.

" I'm not stupid Brendon. Where were you? You had me worried sick!" Niall says. Liam clears his throat and Niall rolls his eyes." You had us worried sick."

" I was out with Sage. I just told you." Brendon says, sticking with his lie. Niall shakes his head and lets out a sigh.

" I wish you would tell me the truth. I was waiting for a half hour for you to come out after practice and you never did. I just wanted to know where you were. You made me think something was wrong with you." Niall says. Brendon rolls his eyes. Niall was taking things too far.

" I was out with a friend. I'm sorry, I thought I texted you, but I guess I forgot." Brendon says.

" You made dad cry. That apology was not good enough." Drew says. Liam slaps Drew upside the head.

" Stay out of it DJ." Liam says. Niall looks at Drew.

" You know what? Drew, go upstairs and to your room." Niall says.

" But, my show is on." Drew says mentioning towards the telly. Niall pouts his lip out at Drew.

" Oh well. You can watch it later." Niall says. Drew stands up and mumbles something under his breath. He walks upstairs stomping his feet. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Well, I'm going to go upstairs and do my homework." Brendon says trying to sneak upstairs. But Niall stops him before he could make it anywhere.

" I don't know where the fuck you think you're going. I'm not done talking to you." Niall says.

" Well, I'm done talking to you, soooo." Brendon says.

" That's no way to speak to your father." Liam says. Niall looks at Liam.

" And I would like for you to help." Niall says.

" What? I'm helping by not getting into the situation." Liam says.

" That's not very helpful. I need help with Brendon and you're not doing a very good job at helping." Niall says.

" I don't want to get involved." Liam says.

" But I need your help! We got married for a reason and it was too help each other out." Niall says.

" I thought you married papa because you had DJ together." Brendon says. Niall looks at Brendon.

" Not now Brendon. I'm trying to deal with papa." Niall says, completely forgetting that he had to talk to Brendon. But Brendon didn't care and ran right up the stairs without complaining. Niall looks back at Liam.

" You know what? You never help me anymore with anything." Niall says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" I do help. I help pay the bills." Liam says.

" Sure, that's kinda helpful, but I meant with things at home. Our oldest son is becoming a fuckboi like you and our youngest son would rather kill himself than be alive. I need you home to help me out because certainly, our sons don't like me. They like you better, but you're never here!" Niall says.

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