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" Be good and be on your best behavior. You're trying to make up with him and spend more time together so-"

" Dad, I get it." Drew cuts Niall's sentence off. Drew was going to spend the afternoon with Liam to make up for Drew being such a huge dick to him before. Niall was trying to make sure Drew wasn't going to lash out on Liam.

" Yeah, Ni, it's going to be okay. I'm his parent too and if he's not on his best behavior I can scold him." Liam says. The three boys were waiting by the front door. Brendon was somewhere with Sage.

Niall nods his head," Okay. Have fun and be careful."

Liam and Drew kiss one of Niall's cheeks.

" Will do dad." Drew says. Liam and Drew walk out of the front door and walk to Liam's car. They get in and Niall watches the two drive away. Niall lets out a sigh and looks at his 16 week stomach.

" Looks like you get to spend the whole afternoon with me baby." Niall says. He felt his baby move around and Niall smiles.

" I'm glad you're excited for that because daddy is amazing." Niall says. And with that, Niall sits on the couch and watches the telly.

Meanwhile, in Liam's car, the two boys were jamming to the music on Liam's phone.

" Mask on, fuck it, mask off! Mask on, fuck it, mask off!" Liam and Drew sing in unison. They were jamming to rap music, per usual. Usually when it's just the two of the them in the car, they blow the speakers out with their rap music. It gets pretty lit in the car.

Liam had the whole day planned out for the two. They were going to go to a pub they always go to and watch their favorite football team. Once the game is over, their going to go laser tagging and then watch a movie. Liam wanted to have the best day with his oldest son. He was excited to spend some time with Drew.

" So pa, what are we doing first?" Drew asks.

" We're going to the pub to watch the game." Liam says. Drew smiles. He loves when he watches the game with his papa. It brings back memories of his childhood.

" Do you know who they're playing?" Drew asks.

" Liverpool." Liam says pulling into the pub parking lot.

" Shit, this is gonna be a tough game." Drew says.

" Tell me about it." Liam says. He pulls into a parking space and parks his car. He stops the car and the two get out of the car. They walk into the pub. The hostess smiles at the father and the son.

" How many?" The hostess asks. Liam shows her two fingers. The hostess nods her head and grabs two menus. She leads the two to a table near a telly playing the game. The two sit down and focus their attention to the telly.

" Enjoy your meal." The hostess says.

" Thanks." Liam says. The hostess walks away, leaving the family members to focus more on the game. The two already know what they're going to get because they always get the same thing every single time. So, they tried their best to focus on the game.

The waiter comes up to the table and smiles at the two enjoying the game.

" Who are we rooting for?" The waiter asks.

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