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Brendon was sunbathing next to the community pool with Ella and Ava. It was two weeks into summer vacation and the three were already bored. Ava suggested the community pool, so that's where they were. They were gonna lay in the sun and then go into the pool.

" You guys ready to swim?" Ella asks. Brendon sits up in the pool chair.

" Yeah, lets go." Brendon says. Elle and Ava sit up in their chairs. They stand up from their chairs and walk towards the pool. They go into the shallower part of the pool and walk into it. They swim to an area where there were little to no people. They swim in place and start to talk with one another.

" This is very relaxing." Ava says.

" You can say that again." Brendon says.

" Holy shit, that girl over there is really cute." Ella says. She points to a girl who was sitting at the edge of the pool dipping her feet in. She was by herself.

" Then go talk to her." Ava says.

" But what if she isn't, ya know, attracted to girls?" Ella asks.

" Then you get to have a conversation with a cute girl." Brendon says.

" Okay, I'm gonna go do it. Wish me luck." Ella says. She starts swimming in the girl's direction.

" Good luck!" Ava and Brendon call after her. Brendon looks at Ava.

" For being at a community pool, there are no attractive men here." Brendon says.

" Right? I thought I had a chance to talk to a cute boy but I was very wrong." Ava says. The friends look at Ella and she's actually talking to the girl.

" Look at her. I'm so proud." Brendon says.

" We'll she's the outgoing one out of the three of us. That's common for her." Ava says. Brendon nods his head.

Someone jumps into the pool near Brendon and Ava and a huge splash of water hits them. Brendon wipes the water out of his eyes and looks at whoever jumped near them. It happened to be Drew.

" What the hell DJ?" Brendon asks.

" Hey baby brother! How's it going?" Drew says.

" Not good. Why are you here?" Brendon says.

" Sage and I wanted to go swimming and this is a community pool." Drew says.

" She's not here?" Ava says mentioning that Sage is no where near them.

Drew points to Sage by the shallow part of the pool," She's making her way in."

Sage waves to Brendon and Ava. They wave back. They turn back to Drew.

" Can you please leave us alone? Go hang out with your girlfriend." Brendon says.

" I can't hang out with my brother before I have to leave for uni?" Drew asks.

" You don't leave for another two months. Let me hang out with my friends." Brendon says. Sage makes her way to them.

" Isn't it a great day to swim?" Sage asks. Brendon and Ava nod their heads. Ava's sister walks by the edge of the pool near them.

" Is DJ annoying you?" Avery says, pouting her lip out.

" All the time." Brendon says. Drew gives Avery a small smile.

" What's up Avery?" Drew asks. The three friends look at the older siblings weird. How the hell did they know each other?

" Just working. Hopefully no one drowns on my watch." Avery says. Drew lets out a laugh. The friends are still confused.

" That wouldn't be good." Drew says. He looks at Sage," C'mon babe. Lets go swimming. We have to make sure Avery is doing her job."

Drew grabs Sage's hand and they swim away. Brendon and Ava look at Avery.

" How do you know DJ?" Ava asks.

" Let's just say he was my first." Avery says. She starts to walk away.

" First what?" Ava calls. Avery turns around to face them.

" I think you know what I mean." Avery says. She walks to monitor another part of the pool. Brendon's mouth drops.

" Holy shit, our siblings dated." Brendon says.

" I think they did more than that." Ava says. They both shake their heads disgusted.

" That's gross." Brendon says.

" I agree. I don't want that thought in my head." Ava says. Ella swims her way back to the two of them. She had a huge smile on her face.

" Did the conversation go well?" Brendon asks.

" Very much so. I may or may not have a date this weekend." Ella says.

" Good for you! I'm so proud!" Ava says.

" Thanks. What happened here?" Ella says.

" We discovered our siblings dated." Brendon says.

" Ew! Don't tell me that!" Ella says. Brendon and Ava laugh.

" You wanted to know." Brendon says.

" Anyway, do you guys want to play some games?" Ava asks.

" Like what? We can't play Marco Polo because there's too many people around." Ella says.

" And there's only three of us." Brendon points out.

" I was just asking. No need to shoot me down like that." Ava says. She crosses her arm in a pout.

Sage swims by the three of them," Hey guys."

" Hey Sage. Why aren't you by DJ?" Brendon asks.

" There's a lot of people near him and it made me uncomfortable." Sage says. The four look and see many girls surrounding Drew. From where the four could see, it looked like the girls were flirting with him.

" Sorry he's a dickhead." Brendon says.

" He's not though." Sage says.

" Girl, he's probably flirting with all of those girls right now." Ella says.

Sage was about to speak when Drew swims by. He stands next to Sage.

" Hey, why'd you leave me?" Drew asks.

" I didn't like seeing you with all those girls." Sage says. Drew wraps his arms around Sage. Brendon, Ella, and Ava could already feel themselves gagging.

" You're my only girl." Drew says. They were about to kiss, but Brendon ruins the moment.

" I'm out!" Brendon says. He swims near the edge of the pool and gets out.

" Me too!" Ella says. She gets out following Brendon.

" Don't forget about me!" Ava says. She follows the two of them out of the pool. The three walk to their towels and start to dry off.

" Your brother is disgusting." Ella says.

" Oh, don't even get me started." Brendon says. The three laugh.

Once they dried off enough, they went to change into their regular clothes. After changing they met back up and decided to go eat lunch together.

Brendon was glad to be spending his day with his friends.


I really hate ending chapters.

Anyway! I hope everyone is doing okay. I'm doing good and I'm getting excited because the end of this book is near! Only two more chapters to go.

I don't think I have anything else to say. If you have anything, feel free to comment.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much.


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