5 - Wanting To Believe A Lie

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Captain Puffy was much older than she looked. She had seen many things throughout the years of her life. She remembered when Dream- her little duckling- was young and innocent, when he didn't prey on the weak. Captain Puffy remembered when Philza and Freya were getting ready for their third child. She remembered when L'Manberg was formed. The memories came with pain and joy in equal measures.

What she remembered most clearly, however, was Niki. Her sweet, kind Niki who she gave a promise ring to months before. Captain Puffy would remember her face then. When it wasn't struck with pain or sadness. Captain Puffy preferred to remember people at their best. It made dealing with the worst far more manageable.

Puffy couldn't do that now. Nothing remained in the Niki that Puffy clung onto desperately. The features didn't match. This Niki had darker and slanted eyes, while Puffy's Niki had bright eyes that were wide open. Puffy's recollection of Niki was a girl whose biggest worry was the next days sales, but the Niki that stared at Puffy from across the counter had a face of deep worry lines. Puffy wanted to make the wrinkles go away, but her hand froze where it was when Niki glared at her.

"Niki?" Puffy called out, imagining that the person before her was lost in thought, glaring at imaginary numbers, not her. Niki blinked. The hatred faded away, but no emotion rose to take its place.

"Did Tommy enjoy the tart?" Niki asked, voice slow and strained. Puffy knew that it was Niki's voice, but it sounded distorted. It was like Niki put some filter over her voice. Obviously her voice but different enough to make someone second guess who was talking.

"Niki... did you poison the tart?" Puffy asked. Some set up would have been helpful. Easing her way to the question couldn't have hurt. Niki needed to be open and honest. Puffy springing the question early would cause panic and deception. However, Puffy couldn't wait. She needed to know. If Puffy knew, she could do something.

"This establishment doesn't poison our food," Niki said with a sour tone. It was true. The establishment didn't. Niki could have when she was personally baking. No matter how much Puffy wanted to leave it that, pretend that the answer solved every problem, a part of her couldn't leave it alone.

Puffy knew Dream for a long time. She could see his descent. Puffy ignored it, hoping and praying someone would help Dream. No one did. Now, Dream was rotting in prison, put in there by a child soldier he had manipulated not long ago. Puffy could have solved all their problems then. She could have helped Dream. Maybe he would still be her little duckling.

Puffy liked imaging the best in people. So much so that she couldn't see their worst.

"Niki, answer my question. Did you poison the tart?" Puffy said. She hated the tone that the words fell into. Captain Puffy didn't want to use that tone on anyone, especially not someone she cared deeply about. Seeing the turmoil in Niki's eyes told Puffy that she was right in hating that tone.

"I cannot confirm nor deny that statement," Niki replied, confirming her answer. Puffy felt her heart pitch forwards. She stared at Niki a long moment. She wanted to believe the lie so badly.

"I'll believe you didn't. Because why would you? Tommy's annoying at times, but deep down, he's a good kid that's doing the best for our Server. He has done so many good things. Many historical events are tied to his legacy. He made things happen. He brought people together," Puffy said with a smile, pride swelling from deep within like a mother would feel for her son.

"Tommy drove people apart. He hurt people. He abandoned and betrayed people. He caused grief and bloodshed, and never felt sorry for any of it," Niki said with cold eyes. Puffy didn't believe those words were true or that they came from Niki. A moment of silence passed, but the words in Niki's voice still hung in the air.

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