11 - A Cry In The Night

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Tommy didn't know how old he was. Events from his past were mashed together like a quilt of misery. He felt the disappointed stare of Philza from his youth. He heard Wilbur's insane laughter. He saw Technoblade throwing withers while Fundy set fire to the L'Manberg flag. The fire of the flag blew away in the sharp, cold winds before landing on the L'Manberg Tree. Niki and Jack stood in the firelight, turning so their faces were covered in shadows but their eyes were illuminated red in the light. Snow began falling from the sky, Niki and Jack looking away at the tree that was reduced to ashes. The snow rose higher and higher until Niki and Jack had drowned in the feathery white flecks.

'This is a dream,' Tommy said to himself as he crossed his arm. He knew it wasn't real, or at least, it was memories from the past. Tommy wasn't going to fall for these tricks. It was the same nightmare every night. There was no reason for it to bother him that night.

Except, the dream shifted in a different direction. Tommy heard quiet laughter, melodic and hopeful. Tommy saw the bench in the sunset. The snow slowly melted away to reveal the bright green grass of the cliffside. Tubbo was sitting on the bench, a disc popped into the music maker. Tommy smiled as he reached for Tubbo, but the bee lover's head fell back, revealing an arrow shot in his forehead.

Tommy held his mouth, repressing puke that was steadily rising. 'It's a dream... just a dream...'

Tommy wanted to believe that, but as he backed away from Tubbo, he tripped over something. Tommy looked to his Puffy's eyes gouged out, water and foam spurting from her mouth. Tommy looked away, seeing that Foolish was holding his Papa's hand, bound in chains, tears streaming down his face.


Tommy darted away, abandoning the cliffside. He felt tears in his eyes. When he looked up, SapNap was laying on the ground, sword sticking up from his back, wearing the Dream SMP uniform. That was Tommy's sword. That was the one Wilbur gave Tommy at the beginning of the war. The sword that some soldiers gave a sinister name, Laevatein, the sword that killed the beloved. George was further back, pierced by arrows that held him to a wall. His face lagged forwards, and his body was bloodied as gravity tried dragging it down.

Tommy reached for Laevatien, but someone grabbed it before he did. Quackity stared with dark eyes, his body trembling and twitching as he held firmly to the hilt. He started crying black oily tears before slumping down to the ground, the smile present on his face even as his body squirmed. Tommy felt tears rise in his eyes.

'This is a dream... right?'

Tommy felt someone grabbing his hands. It was Karl... maybe? It looked like Karl, but his eyes had colors swirling inside. He was covered in watches and timepieces, and he held a book in his hand that had a square spiral on it. Karl frowned deeply. "Who are you? Who am I? Where are we? I don't like you. Go away. Demon." Karl started laughing like Wilbur, pushing Tommy to the ground. Tommy looked up to see Sam. Nothing was wrong with him. He wasn't dead or dying like everyone else. He just seemed disappointed. Sam sighed, turning his back to Tommy.


As if Tommy had any control, he snapped awake from his nightmare. He jumped to his feet, breaking out into a run as he searched for someone. He searched for proof that his friends weren't dead. Tommy didn't know why he dreamed of them, or why it stung so very badly. Tommy didn't want to trust any of them. They would hurt him like everyone else did.

But to Tommy's surprise, he craved their comfort now more than anything else. Tommy burst out of the bunker, bare feet carrying him across the thin layer of snow and grass with rocks hidden among the path. Outside, practicing swordsmanship in the dawn, Captain Puffy swung her sword around while her jacket lay abandoned at her feet. She looked up, lowering the sword as she found Tommy. Before she could speak or react, Tommy was hugging her tightly, face buried in her shoulder.

He was sobbing and muttering about different things. Blood, Laevatien, death, pain, abandonment, loss. Puffy clutched Tommy tightly but she needed to see his face. "Tommy-"

As Puffy tried pulling away, Tommy held her closer, whispering, "Please don't leave me, Mom."

—— To Be Continued ——

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