13 - It Was Never Meant To Be

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Tommy was 16, and he was ready to turn the next chapter of his life. Tommy felt like he had found a family living with Sam and Puffy, and their combined (technically not their) kids. Tommy knew that it was time to move on, to join them in their happiness. He even had a job, JackManifold working underneath him at the Big Innit Hotel.

That's why Tommy stood in the prison cell, facing against the manipulator of his past. Dream had orchestrated Tommy's downfall several times over. Really, Dream was responsible for Wilbur going insane in Tommy's eyes. Tommy still hated Wilbur for what he did, but he could sympathize with his older brother. Dream didn't have any redeeming qualities. He never did. Tommy didn't know how Captain Puffy, George, and SapNap stood beside Dream.

When Tommy felt that he had his closure, something went off. Tommy tried ignoring it, but his hands started shaking when he drew the connection between the noise and explosions. The small room reminded Tommy of Eret. Words ringed in Tommy's head, six words that would never have the same meaning: "It was never meant to be."

Dream was laughing as he proclaimed that Tommy would be his best friend for a week, at least. Tommy screamed for Sam, tears started to rise in his eyes. He couldn't stay here. Tommy wanted to move on. He wanted to be a better person. Tommy wanted to allow his past to remain there, and forge a better future that involved the people had grown to love.

Tommy thought he had moved past his trauma. Maybe he had with some of it, but in his panicked state, Tommy desperately called for someone that would never come, a man who cared for himself only. "Phil!"

At least Tommy didn't resort to calling him Dad.

"He isn't coming, Tommy. No one is. It's just you and me. Hasn't it always been like this? It ends up being you and me eventually. Everyone else leaves. They abandon and betray you. But I stay. I always have," Dream said with a content expression. Tommy kept screaming, for anyone to save him. Tommy would even be happy if BadBoyHalo, who had fallen for the Egg completely, would rescue him.

Shadows swam across the surface of the obsidian. The walls slowly inched forwards like monsters who savored the hunt. Explosions kept sending Tommy's mind to the past. Dream's words swam in and out. Tommy knew he was panicking. His shaky breath was back, and Tommy knew his body was trembling. Tommy was alone.

Some time later, days or weeks or months, Dream and Tommy were arguing. Without proper food or a stable mental condition, Dream was able to beat Tommy in a physical fight since the latter wasn't trying. Tommy begged for his life before his head was slammed against the wall. Blood fell from his skull, his eyes glazed over, tears still against his pale cheeks.


He was a few minutes old. He looked at his hands. They were covered in a gray colored ash giving his skin a discolored look. He could barely remember anything, but he felt it in his gut that he was dead. He reached for his neck, a chain attached to a broken compass hanging heavily like a noose.

He hovered above the ground, drifting forwards to find someone. Maybe they knew who he was when he was alive. Maybe they could help him find his home or let him stay with them.

He found himself at a huge crater. Feelings of guilt and pain swam in his mind, but the emotions were washed away when he saw red vines growing everywhere like the veins of this place. He followed one, hand brushing against the edge. It led him to a small cottage with a beautiful rose garden growing out front. A girl was watering the garden. She had long brown hair, a few strands twirled into two buns on her head. She wore a long sleeved pink shirt tucked into a magenta skirt with white boots. The small, clear wings grew from her back and pointy ears reminded him of a garden fairy.

"Hello," His voice sounded distant, like it was drowning in something. She turned to him, her green eyes filling with worry as soon as she saw him. The fairy jumped to her feet, touching the ghost's forehead. Normal humans would phase right through, but she had a special touch that allowed her to feel a ghost.

"Are you okay? You look beaten up! You're crying... lava?" She said with concern in her tone. He smiled at her, not understanding what she was saying. He didn't remember what he looked like.

"I actually don't remember. See, I'm a ghost who has lost all memories pf his life. I don't know where I live or who I am," He said, scratching the side of his head. "Can I stay with you until I figure out where I'm supposed to go?"

"Huh? Yes! You can! My name is Hannah. This is the Rose Residence. I'll have to build you a room," Hannah said, showing him the cottage. It was cozy, he thought to himself. Such a nice place to live.

"I have all sorts of plants growing. I have trees, and wheat behind the house. My pride and joy, however, are my roses," Hannah explained. She pulled at the sleeve of her shirt to show him a blood red rose that was growing on her arm. Hannah didn't seem bothered by it, so he assumed that it was a fairy thing. "Do you like any flowers?"

"Hmmm... I don't have a favorite. Your roses are beautiful. I like the azure bluet, they have a lovely color," He explained. "All flowers are nice. It takes such courage to grow."

"I think so, too! These flowers are like humans. Without help, they can't become beautiful or productive. When they get care and attention, they'll thrive," Hannah said with a sweet smile. "I'm sure you were a handsome flower in your life."

"I don't think I was. I can't remember exactly, but I feel like I wasn't a good person. I think people hated me," He said with a sigh. "I wonder if anyone cares about me right now. I wonder if out there, somewhere, someone is crying because I'm dead and they'll never see me again."

"Maybe. But as your new friend, I know I care about you. Even if everyone hated you in your life, I'll like you still," Hannah said. As a fairy and an amnesiac ghost, the two were very open and optimistic. "We'll find the person that is crying for you. We'll tell them that you're still here."

"Thank you, Hannah!" He said with a grand smile. "My name is Phantommy, by the way."


Prepare for angst next chapter. The new Innit familia will find out that Tommy is dead

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