Bonus - Have To Know You First

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Sam was an older gentleman, but that didn't mean his mind wasn't as sharp as it once was. In fact, the years had given him more brainpower to work with. He was a Redstone master, after all, he needed his wits.

So, this whole thing was his plan. He wouldn't intentionally try to blow up anyone's property, but he needed to know Hannah before he accepted that she was good friends with Tommy. The blonde had been through enough, and he didn't want the fairy having ulterior motives. If Tommy trusted Hannah, it was Sam's job to make sure that trust wasn't wasted. Hannah claimed she was a good person. Sam didn't believe her. Niki and Jack swore they were good people, and they had Tommy nuked.

"Get the cats out," Sam commanded, placing down stacks of TnT around the Cat Maid Cafe. Several of the cats meowed at his presence. One tried to swipe at the TnT with its claw, but Sam nudged it away since TnT was sensitive to touch.

"Okay..." Hannah replied uneasily. She placed the cats she saw on leashes, tugging at them to get the cats to walk. She had a separate building across from the cafe where she brought the cats. It was made out of dirt but it had cat food and water in bowls. Every time Hannah dropped off a cat, red roses would grow against the walls of the dirt home it was attached to. Her power source was responding to her hesitance.

"It'll be fine. I've gotten permission already," Sam lied. What he did was tell HBomb (H, for short) was that someone was threatening his cafe. H hadn't answered yet, but he would get the message soon enough. "We just need to get the rest of the cats out, least we start another Pet War."

Hannah wasn't around for the Pet Wars, but Sam had lived on the SMP through every event. He was one of the original eight, after all. The Pet Wars was one of the first events to happen. It marked the beginning of an age of war and bloodshed. However silly the reasoning may have been, the war was a gruesome time that showed everyone was capable of violence.

"I don't want a war," Hannah replied. She didn't know firsthand the pains of war, but she could imagine the suffering it brought about. Phantommy had been terrified at the sight of three letters placed in a particular order, so Hannah knew that Tommy was definitely suffer if she caused a war with Sam.

"Not many people do. Most wars aren't caused because people want war. They want power or land, but not all of them want bloodshed," Sam said as he calculated where the TnT should go in order to blow the whole place up without anything left. "But some people do. Some people want to watch the world burn. They don't care who dies in their path to their desires. They might even enjoy watching soldiers march onto the battlefield."

Hannah didn't say anything, but she had an inkling of who Sam was referring to.

"We're not here to start a war, Hannah, but if we do, you can't run away from it. I don't know what magic you possess. I barely know what Foolish's powers are. All I know is that the two of you, and DreamXD, are some of the most powerful people on the Server. Once you start a war, I believe you'll be able to finish it," Sam praised Hannah in a condescending way that Hannah hated to listen to. "Don't drag others into your conflict."

"I would never do that," Hannah said in her defense. She didn't know when Sam's pointed stares had started, but she caught him glaring at her when he thought she wasn't looking. Or did Sam care if Hannah saw or not?

"I've seen people make that same promise," Sam replied, eyes darkening as he drifted to memories instead of the present. "They were all liars in the end."

"I'm not a liar," Hannah snapped. Sam raised an eyebrow at her. Hannah grit her teeth, watching the rose thorns grow sharper in her anger. Magic often responded to emotions, Hannah remembered.

"I hope you remember that as you think back to your promise," Sam referred to when Hannah swore to support him, whatever that meant. Hannah wondered why he brought it up as he placed flint and steel in Hannah's hands, nudging her towards the stacks of TnT that hugged the small building. Hannah swallowed as she raised the items before to create the spark that would start the bonfire.

Before Hannah could reply, a pink haired woman had found their way to the Maid Cat Cafe. Niki stared between the two of them, noticing the heavy tension and TnT. "What are you doing?"

"Hannah wanted to blow the cafe up and told me to start the fire. When I refused, she said she'd do it herself," Sam lied, his face perfectly acting the part of a scared but worried adult. Hannah felt her eyes widen as the truth settled in. Sam had wanted to frame her all along. Why?

Hannah opened to tell the truth, but something caught in her throat. The roses on her arms squeezed tightly to remind her of the promise she made. Sam must have known that fairies were cursed to uphold a promise or die. Hannah cursed inside her mind. All she could do was support Sam and his lies against her. How did she fall for such an blatant trap?!

Sam began removing the TnT, and Niki was staring at Hannah darkly. The fairy felt her wings twitch as she thought of any loophole she could exploit. As luck would have it, H showed up to help remove the TnT from around his cafe. Niki was approaching Hannah who was stumbling back, step by step.

"I d-didn't," Hannah tried to proclaim the truth but the roses grew around her throat, tightening slowly. Tears filled Hannah's green eyes, waiting to fall across her cheeks as the only way she could tell the truth.

"Since she tried to blow up the cafe, maybe we should blow up her house... the Rose Residence," Sam proclaimed with a judgmental look. Hannah started coughing when she tried defending herself again. She didn't want her house to be blown up.

"Wait..." Hannah gags before continuing. "The cafe is on my property. If you blow up my house, you have to blow up everything on my property."

"Where's the cash register?" H ignores Hannah. Taking the opportunity, Hannah throws the register at Sam, watching his inventory suck it up without his consent. Hannah pointed at Sam, flexing her fingers right as the thorns dug into her skin. Hannah saw the blood start to drip onto the ground as Sam pulled out the register.

Instead of defending himself, Sam starts laughing with the register in his hands. Hannah pukes into her hands, bloodied rose petals covering her fair skin. She glares up at Sam as her body folds in on itself, "You sick bastard."

"I release the fairy, Hannah, from her promise," Sam confirmed that he knew the curse of fairies. Hannah took a deep breath, falling onto her knees as she tried to regain a stable state. "It was my fault, H, not Hannah's. I just wanted to test her. I wasn't actually planning on blowing up the cafe."

"What happened to her?" Niki asked with concern in her tone as she leans down to hold Hannah, hand reaching for Hannah's until she saw the bloodied roses leaving red marks as they fell to the ground. Hannah leans into Niki, finally calming down enough to look up at Sam.

"Fairies are odd creatures. They are cursed to obey their own words. Any promise they make gains control over their life. Hannah promised to support me, and she tried to go against that when she didn't support my lies," Sam said, looking down at Hannah with his Mob eyes. "However, Hannah, as a token of my gratitude for playing along, I will give you the job of manager of the bank."

"You can work at the cafe, if ya want," H said, head tilting to the building that was about to mark Hannah's demise. Hannah shuddered at what would have happened if Sam hadn't released her from her promise.

Hannah gave Niki a netherite star with a smile before standing onto her feet. "I'll stick with the bank. Someone needs to keep an eye on Sam. He isn't as innocent as one would believe."

Aight, all events after this will be more or less out of order from the canon. It will be the canon events, just not in the right order.

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