15 - Flowers Blooming Through Winter

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Hannah Rose was a few months old in human years, but as a fairy, she was an adult. She had met several people as she grew, but it was the new person that came along, Phantommy, that truly befriended her. The two spent their time together, mostly in the garden. Because neither knew much about evil or corruption, they had light conversations. Hannah had never experienced war before, and Phantommy wouldn't remember it even if he had.

One conversation stuck out to Hannah, however. It was the most emotional conversation they had. It was those moments that made Hannah swear to herself to always be Phantommy's friend. She was leaning in her flower garden on her knees, head covered by a long rimmed hat with flowers intertwined on it. Phantommy sat on the white picket fence that surrounded the perimeter of the Rose Residence.

"Do you think someone is missing me right now? Do you think someone is upset that I died?" Phantommy asked quietly, his voice like the breeze that pushed pollen through the world.

"Yes, I do. We'll find them, remember?" Hannah said easily, her attention never leaving the flowers that bloomed so beautifully despite the approaching winter. The air had began to grow colder as time passed. The trees had begun disposing of the leaves that clung to their branches.

"I don't. I can't remember that well, but I don't think I was a good person. I know people hated me. I don't think anyone loved me. All I ever did was hurt people," Phantommy said, his voice far too emotionless for his words.

This snapped Hannah out of her trance. She pushed herself onto her feet, walking over to Phantommy. He didn't react to her presence suddenly beside him. "Why would you think that? You're the kindest person I know!"

"Memories shape people, Hannah. Without memories, I'm a blank slate. I don't have people that I love or hate. I don't know who wronged me or who I've wronged. I can't be jaded or callous if there isn't a reason to be. These past few days have been the best time of my life, but it's the only time I have. You being kind towards me makes me want to be kind in return. I like seeing you smile and laugh because I don't hate people who can smile and laugh freely," Phantommy explained. "I wasn't like that in life. I don't know why but I know that."

"Memories do shape people, but I like to think that without memories, people show their true colors. This is the you that is beneath all the pain and suffering you've endured and inflected. This is the truest form you have. As a fairy, I love this form of people," Hannah leaned against the fence, chin resting in her palm.

"Hannah, if you met the person I had become, you would hate me, too. I think I've done awful, dreadful things that no one should be forgiven for," Phantommy said, chin wobbling. "I don't want to lose you."

"You won't! I swear! No matter what you've done, I will stand by your side. I'm your friend, okay? I will always be," Hannah said, grabbing his ghostly hand with a soft, almost sad smile.

"You're like my best friend, Hannah," Phantommy said quietly. Almost to himself, he continued for a few seconds. "I think I had a best friend. I wonder if they're mourning me."

"Any true friend would be," Hannah replied. They remained quiet for a few seconds. It was peaceful. The smell of pumpkins came with the breeze that twirled bright leaves all around them in a dance. The sun had started melting behind the ground, the last of the light clinging to the sky like a scared child to a parent. The stars glittered to life, one by one, almost like reassuring the world that it would be alright.

Hannah wanted to say more, to do more. As she looked at Phantommy, she wondered if her presence was enough to reassure him. He seemed lost in thoughts that weren't his own. Hannah leaned against his arm, staying there until the night was stretched out before them. Mobs demanded attention all around them, but Hannah had torches set up all around her property to warn them to stay away.

"Hannah, if I don't remember you, don't give up on me. I need someone like you to help me. I need someone that I haven't fucked up with. I've been a bad person. I've done bad things. There isn't a relationship that I haven't let crash and burn. Every bridge I've mended has buckled under its own weight," Phantommy said, his voice taking on a deeper tone. He seemed more serious than any other time she had seen him.

Phantommy stood up, shaking Hannah off as he released her hand. Phantommy trotted forwards, looking towards where the sun had set. He turned around, standing before Hannah with a half smile. "Promise me that much."

"I promise," Hannah whispered, unsure what was happening.

Phantommy laughed to himself, eyes closing as he looked up. A particularly strong wind blew around them. Hannah's hair flew into her face. When she pulled it away, she saw Phantommy disappearing in little glowing flecks of pale blue light. His hands were gone first, and the rest of him slowly snapped apart. After a few seconds, he was gone.

"He's been revived?" Hannah asked. She had read about it before. Long ago, the Book of Resurrection had been written. Every fairy knew about the immense power the book held. Fir someone to have it, to use it, was very bad. Hannah needed to find who had that book. While she didn't want to, it would be her responsibility to either take the book or kill the knowledge holder.

Hannah was about to go out to search when tears had filled in her eyes. She gasped quietly. She was happy that Phantommy was alive but now he was gone. The pain that had burdened him in life was in his head now. Worst still, he may not even remember who she was. This was Hannah's first friend, her best friend even if she wasn't his. Hannah felt it was appropriate to take a few moments to grieve. She would see Phantommy again, but he would be different. He would be filled with trauma. Hannah didn't want to see him when he was suffering because she knew that she couldn't do anything about it. Not even being there would be enough if he didn't remember her.

Hannah sighed quietly, laying down in the grass beside her garden. The stars smiled at her from above, comforting her like she was there child. It made Hannah smile. She would do that for Phantommy, or whoever he was now. Hannah wouldn't let this pain overtake him. She was determined to make his future better than his past, no matter what that past was.

Angst is coming guys, like, a LOT of angst. More so than last chapter.
Also! I have a Karlnapity adopts Tommy book called Lost Time that you guys should read

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