Bonus - #FranAppreciation

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Between chapters 4 and 5

Fran was the oldest pet on the server, or at least one of. It wasn't natural for pets to survive long in this world, but Sam- her owner- was far too attached to her to let Fran die. Sam didn't expect Fran to do anything except brighten up his life, which she did by merely existing.

It was odd, really, when Sam started to teach her things. He tried to make her understand human body language, and how to calm a human down. As the training went on, Fran realized Sam was making her into a support animal. Fran didn't mind. She was a loyal dog, and Sam wasn't forcing her to do anything she couldn't or didn't want to do. Fran wasn't getting punished for doing a poor job either. It seemed like Sam was doing this for fun.

That was until Fran met who all her training was for. The new human was smaller than Sam, and while he didn't have the telltale signs of a Creeper, traces of gunpowder littered his scent. There was other scents mixed in, like the salty ocean and ashes. He had blonde hair that seemed covered in the ash Fran smelled. The new human was being held in the arms of Sam, head lolling back in a state of unconsciousness.

After the human was treated for wounds, and the horrible smell of metallic blood left the air, Sam brought Fran into his lap beside the bed the human was in. "Okay, girl, this is Tommy." He annunciated the name to make sure Fran understood. "Tommy is... in pain, at the moment. He is wounded. He isn't mentally strong either. We don't hurt Tommy. We don't bark loudly or get too playful, okay, girl?"

Fran flicked her tail into Sam's stomach to give her reply. Fran wasn't an aggressive dog. She was mostly a lapdog, eager to please and get belly rubs. When needed Fran could bare her teeth to fight off Mobs Sam hadn't seen. Her skills as an attack dog were not needed now. Sam was asking her to be a comfort animal to Tommy.

Sam placed Fran next to Tommy in the bed, watching for a moment. If she were human, she would have scoffed. Fran would protect Tommy, because Sam cared about Tommy and Fran hated smelling blood off anyone. She moved her snout under Tommy's arm, lifting it up so she shimmied beneath it. She rested her head on his shoulder, satisfied in laying close to someone so soft and comforting. Somewhere in his sleep, Tommy had the idea to started rubbing her back. Fran instantly melted in pleasure. If Tommy needed hugs, Fran could give them all day long.

Between 5 and 7 (since 6 takes place in the past)

Fran wanted to be Tommy's support dog not because Sam cared about Tommy, but because she cared about Tommy. Whenever he would visit, Fran would stay close to him, rubbing her snout against his hand when he got lost in thought or rubbing his leg when he grew too anxious. He would hold Fran close to his heart, spinning around Sam's kitchen to the almost haunting melody of Mellohi. He would sit beside Fran, leaned against the wall with his plate in his lap so he was eating with Fran. Tommy would take her with him as he hunted Mobs, kindling her long dead instincts of a mutated dog- the kind who were more advanced than other breeds. Tommy would talk to her about anything that came to his mind, and he soon learned to understand Fran's body language so she could respond.

Tommy could be loud, but he could also be silent. He could talk like he was on top of the world but his trembling body seemed one breeze away from tumbling to the bottom. He smiled and cheered and laughed and danced, but he also screamed and sobbed and panicked and froze up. Fran was there for it all, relishing in the good memories and helping through the bad ones.

It wasn't a stretch to say that Fran loved Tommy. Whenever the blonde stayed at Sam's base, no matter how reluctantly, Fran was by his side. She curled up in his lap, trotted beside him down hallways, and felt his arms clinging gently to her fur as he fell asleep. Fran wondered where Sam found such an amazing human.

Between 7 and 8

Her human had wings now. He didn't fly with them, but the red feathers clung to his back, and showed more emotion than his body language ever did. Fran was able to read the wings when she realized how they moved in accordance to Tommy's emotions. This made Fran's job a lot easier.

He now smelled like a windy meadow. The scent of nature growing faint as the wind picked it up and carried it away. Fran was glad that the scent of gunpowder was gone. She liked it when Sam smelled that way because all creepers did. A human- her human- shouldn't smell like TnT, not when that meant they had spent a lot of time around it.

More people were at the base, but Fran preferred to stick with Tommy. They were nice. There was a Sheep hybrid named Captain Puffy and a Totem who smelled like death named Foolish. Sometimes Sam's old roommates SapNap and George would crash in their rooms. It had been quite some time since those two spent repeated nights in the base. A man who smelled like chicken and a colorful guy would wander in from time to time, more like visitors than inhabitants. Still, Tommy was her human, not them.

Between 9 and 10

Her human was hurt. Badly. The smell of blood and smoke was making Fran want to pass out, and the way his small body was being shown to the other humans, amassed with blood and scars and wounds, made Fran worry. She wanted to be close to her human, but the others decided that Tommy needed to be wrapped up tightly in blankets.

After they had gotten Tommy to drink some potions, Sam finally told them to let Fran through. The moment permission was given, Fran was at Tommy's side, curled into him with her face near his. He was breathing steadily, his vomit breath making Fran want to move. She didn't. She made her nose grow used to the smell so she could remain close.

Her human wasn't going to die, but whoever did this to him, most definitely was getting torn apart.

During 14

She felt it. Deep within her soul, a bond was broken. She knew that Tommy wouldn't have abandoned her, so this meant something far worse. She waited impatiently, moving back and forth in front of the door, waiting for her human to come back or Sam to explain.

The first human to come back was SapNap. He was beyond angry, his scent carrying smoke. As he moved, the golden hue of fire bristled on his skin like he would erupt at any moment. He gathered a few items from a chest before disappearing outside. Not even a glance at Fran.

Foolish stumbled in next. He rubbed Fran's head, whispering a goodbye, before taking off with a backpack of his stuff. The boy who smelled like death smelled like tears that day.

George wandered in, stumbling over his legs for the longest time. He seemed drunk but without alcohol if his smell was anything to go by. George was lost, and was acting with his head far away. George stumbled into a chair, going into an AFK state instead of acknowledging Fran.

Sam entered last. He seemed so broken. As he laid in bed, Sam held Fran like she would disappear, letting his tears soak into her fur. He kept muttering about Tommy, and Fran knew that her human was dead. He was gone. Fran didn't say goodbye. He had been gone for a week, and now he was dead.

Fran would support Sam for now, but after this, Fran was after the killer's head.

Between 18 and 19

Her human smiled at her, body low with arms spread wide. Fran didn't hesitate to embrace her human, tail swinging faster than the tempo to the beginning of the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku (#ExposedFransMusicTastes).

Her human rocked her back and forth on the floor, muttering promises into the fur in her neck. Fran felt incredibly happy and comfortable. It was her human! He was back- somehow! She wasn't sure how Human death worked, but this was uncommon for dogs.

"Isn't that your dog, Sam?"

"Let's be honest with ourselves, Puffy, Fran is more of Tommy's dog that she ever was mine."

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