New Stories

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So... this story is done. BUT I know some of you are still itching for Tommy angst (and Karlnapity lol). To aid all of my passionate fans, I'm giving you chance to vote for what story you want to see!

1) Tommy Gets Infected by the Egg:
- Bad convinces Tommy that the egg can give him what he wants. After Sam betrayed him and Tubbo replaced him, Tommy takes him up on that offer. While at the Egg, some of the Egg's power cultivates into a motherly apparition that makes Tommy dependent on her while providing comfort and orders.- This has become its own story called Actualization

2) If He Didn't Go to Technoblade
- Instead of Tommy running away, Dream finds him and converts him to the dark side under the alias Raven - the First part of this is in my oneshot book as chapter 1: Oh, Raven, won't you sing me a happy song?

3) George Doesn't Sleep It Off
- When George returns, he gets vague hints that Tommy is in exile. Since he figured Tommy would only be gone for a week or so, George goes to visit. Instead of Tommy jumping off the pillar, George convinces Tommy to stay with him until they solve the Dream problem-

4) That's How Much He Loves Women
- Tommy loves women so much that when he dies, he's reincarnated as one. The daughter of villagers, Clementine and her friends try to become knights of Eret's court because adventuring pays good. Instead, Clementine learns more about these strange dreams she's always had...- This is in my oneshot book as chapter 2: I hate men. Women are better.

5) Real World Example
-Sam is the adopted father of ten year old Hannah and seven year old Tommy. When his son befriends the upstairs neighbors, Sam slowly learns how to be a father not just by his own children but by the few upstairs he believes are being abused-

6) A Mix of it All
- Oneshots, really. It might involve previous story ideas but in a condensed version, obviously.- This was the one chosen!!

Cast your votes now, folks! I'd prefer if you'd rank them by how much you'd want it that way I can average out the scores and whatnot.
As a bonus! I have this one idea:

7) Karl is a power bottom
-Quackity and a party guest talk about how cute the general of the Dream Army is, SapNap, and Quackity realizes he has been duped into a threesome. That's all your getting- I'm getting to this one... maybe

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