10 - How does someone heal?

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Quackity was in his late twenties, and he barely knew anything about life. Quackity had loved Schlatt, but that romance soured quickly. Quackity thought that he was getting better through Karl and SapNap, however, so he visited Sam's bunker all the time. He was practically living there with how many times he crashed with his fiancées. Quackity was around so much that he didn't knock when he came over.

Quackity opened the door, reading an article on his phone. When he rose to look up, he saw quite a lot of people in the main room that connected the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Quackity did a headcount to make sure he wasn't imagining it. Two people were cooking dinner in the kitchen, Sam and Captain Puffy. George was reading something at the bar, eyes flecking back and forth as his cheek smushed up against his fist. Four people were watching a movie in the living room. SapNap, Karl, Foolish, and... was that Tommy?

Karl was leaning his head against SapNap, lazily throwing popcorn into his mouth. Tommy had his head resting on SapNap's thigh, sharing a wool blanket with Foolish, who leaned against a pillow propped up on the opposite arm of the couch. Quackity did a double take when he not only saw bandages on Tommy's arms but the feathery wings on his back that flopped across the side of the couch's back.

"Baby," Karl said, looking at him. He leaned up far enough to make grabby hands at Quackity. The blacknette shrugged, kicking the door closed before jumping over the couch back to land beside Karl. Quackity pressed a kiss to Karl's cheek as the brunnette grabbed his arm affectionately. SapNap rose his hand, letting Quackity take it with a smile.

Tommy and Foolish didn't react, but Sam mentioned how they had another mouth to feed. Quackity stifled a laugh as he watched the movie, following the plot easily. Quackity was paying more attention to the reactions of Karl and SapNap to the scenes. Quackity even threw a few glances at the blonde who seemed sickly and half asleep. Quackity would ask later what happened.

"Eat up, boys!" Puffy yelled out, depositing the platter of sandwich sliders onto the table. Everyone got to the table, but Tommy had to lean on Sam to get to his seat. Quackity didn't want to stare, but with the blanket gone, Quackity saw the bandages circling Tommy's chest. Tommy twitched in pain, but not a sound escaped him. Tommy melted into his seat, body giving out before his plate was even fixed.

Quackity shoved a sandwich into his mouth as he watched Sam place two on Tommy's plate. The blonde wrinkled his nose, but Puffy said that Tommy needed to eat, even if a little bit. Tommy sighed, nibbling at the bread while everyone conversed.

"Quack," Karl said happily, sitting across from Quackity. Quackity smiled at his lover, raising his eyebrows in a question. "What do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I've got no plans. I was thinking of sleeping," Quackity said with a thoughtful expression. Tommy laughed at his end of the table, and George sighed in disappointment.

"How about you help me and SapNap rebuild Party Island? I've got new ideas for what should be there," Karl explained.

"He tricked me into it," SapNap said in defeat, from beside Quackity. On SapNap's left, Tommy gave another laugh. At the head of the table by Tommy, Sam told the blonde to eat more, as he was only halfway through one when Quackity was on his third. Round the bend on Sam's left was Foolish, George in the middle, and Karl in front of Quackity. Beside Karl and Quackity at the other head of the table, Puffy was smiling at everyone.

"Sure, I'll do it," Quackity gave in pretty quickly. He enjoyed any time he spent with SapNap and Karl, from on the couch chill days to building work outs. "Are you coming, George?"

"I wish. I have to take the two munchkins swimming," George said with a deep sigh, fake glaring at Foolish and Tommy. Foolish shrugged his shoulders while Tommy smirked in his direction.

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