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"I wish I could hold you," Joe confessed as he looked down at the love of his life sat in his palm.

"You can hold me! You're holding me right now!" Mel exclaimed as she strained her neck to attempt to make eye contact with Joe. Mel was in Joe's palm being held against his chest, where she felt safe having his warmth around her, with the familiar vibrations from the thrum of his heart next to her.

Joe raised his hand with Mel in it higher so they could have this conversation face to face. His dark brown eyes filled Mel's view. Looking at her love, Mel could see tears threatening to fall from his magnificent brown orbs."You know what I mean. I wish I could hold you, like really hold you." Joe explained.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"A while I guess," Joe admitted while rubbing back of his neck with the hand not holding Mel. With Mel sat in Joe's hand though, she could feel even the slightest movements he made. She now clutched onto his pointer finger to steady herself more.

"A while... can I ask if Anthony had anything to do with this?"

"Well... how would you feel if you were me?" Joe asked defensively.

"I would feel like there's nothing to be jealous of."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Oh?" Mel replied in question as she now stood up in Joe's palm with her hands on her hips giving him a knowing look. While Mel's dark brown skin successfully hid her moments of blushing from embarrassment, Joe's olive tone did not combat his embarrassment so much. Joe was heating up with embarrassment burning through his tan skin as it reddened under Mel's small but mighty gaze.

"Okay fine, maybe I'm a little jealous. But of course I am! When my girlfriend needed someone I couldn't be there for her because I had to go through getting a da#m permit to enter the human zone. And then, when you needed support with Morgan, he was the one holding your hand, embracing you in a hug, standing by your side at the hospital. I had to stand outside the hospital trying to peer in a window while scaring everyone in the parking lot."

Mel began to chuckle after Joe's rant. She didn't mean to laugh, but the image of Joe lumbering through the parking lot, most likely terribly awkward and worried made Mel laugh.

"I'm glad you think this is funny," Joe quipped narrowing his eyes at Mel.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, It's just you're so worked up and for nothing."

"It's not for nothing. I told you, I-I I've never felt like this about anyone! Ever! And it's not just you, it's Morgan too! I feel like I was finally breaking the ice with her lately. I mean she at least hasn't hidden from me for a few weeks, and so I thought there was really a chance for us. That maybe we could really do this, and I could be... you know... family."

"You already are!"

"No I'm not, because when Morgan was hurt, Anthony got her safely to the hospital. And when you were worried, Anthony stood by you and held your hand. What did I do? I bloody upset you and your daughter by apparently shaking the whole da#n building just trying to get a hold of you,"

"It's not your fault the hospital is so earthy. I mean it really isn't safe for anything on New Earth to not be built without Giants in mind.

"The point is, When you, and your daughter needed me, I was too big and just made things worse." Joe finished with a huff. He now moved Mel down towards his chest as he walked over to his chair so he could sit.

"Listen, I know it sucks sometimes that we can't do everything the same way other couples do, but-"

Joe cut Mel off before she could continue, "It's not that we can't do things the same way as other couples, it's that we literally can't do the same things as other couples."

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