Ch. 9

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"Billy, unless you want to spend all week in detention with me, I urge you to watch that mouth," Mr. Green said to Billy as he stood to his full height directly in front of the human desk area.

"It doesn't seem fair that she gets a piece of paper and we all have to make our parents listen to the sig-gram." Billy argued.

"She still has to show her parent the sig-gram-"

"Well, Billy's kind of right Mr. Green. I mean do you know how easily you could get a parent to just sign a sheet of paper. She could tell her dad anything, while we are forced to make our parents listen," the female giantess, Eva, chimed in.

"Enough, I'm the teacher so I make the call. Given her circumstance this is how it's being handled," Mr. Green spoke with a tone that signified his decision was final.

"This is not fair Mr. Green,"

"Alright Billy, you'll be here in detention tomorrow after school, would you like to add more time to that?" Mr. Green challenged.

"I can't wait to tell my father how with just one day of our school going co-ed you're putting humans over giants."

"2 more days of detention,"

"Did you even listen to that thing's confession?"

"That's enough Billy-" Mr Green was close to shouting.

I covered my ears with my hands and tried to take a deep breath. How is this happening?

"That thing attacked me-"

"Alright, detention is dismissed early. Except for you Billy," Mr. Green announced.

I got up as quickly as I could and headed towards the elevator that was attached to this desk. Before I even reached the elevator Trent's massive face came into view. He had crouched down to be level with the desk before he spoke.

"Are you okay Morgan?" Trent asked with concern written all over his face... or at least what I could make out of his face. The flood gates that were my eyes were beginning to overflow. I nodded my head yes when it was probably painfully obvious that the answer was no. Right now I was not doing too well.

"I'm fine," I lied to Trent as I finally entered the elevator. I had wheeled my e-scooter in with me, and once the doors finally closed, the flood gates fully opened and I lost it. This was so unlike me. I never cried like this. I needed to pull it together. If I kept crying Joe would totally notice and we wouldn't even make it off school grounds.

When the elevator doors opened once again I was able to let out a sigh of relief to be alone in the human hall. Looking up at how low the ceilings were I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was not only exhausted from the emotional roller coaster that was today, but I had the utter realization that my day was soooo not over yet. I had one more hurdle to jump... and that hurdle came in the form of the one big, overprotective, giant I could not hide my emotions from.


I only had to wait a few minutes for Joe to arrive to pick me up from school. I used that time to try and collect myself and make my tear stained face less splotchy. I think it would hold from a far, but my fricken eyes were red! Noooo. I wasn't even crying now, but if Joe got a close look he'd for sure be able to tell I'd been upset. I don't have a problem with Joe knowing, I have a problem with him knowing here. Joe's whole life work is fighting for equality amongst races (giants and humans) so he's going to take this kind of thing waayyy serious. It's better to tell him at home, so he won't just march into the school the second he's heard part of the story that is my first day of school.

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