Ch. 33

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"Alright mini-me, are you ready to be brave?!"

"Yep!" I answered as I looked up into my mother's eyes. A nervous smile spread across her face as she held my hand, leading me out onto our grass covered front yard. I knew what this day was. Today was the day that I would meet my mothers special work friend. My mom had told me his name was Joe, and that he was her best friend at work. Today it was my job to be extra friendly to Mom's friend, because he was coming over to meet me.

My mom had explained that we would hang out outside with her friend because he was apparently too big to fit inside our house. Mom's friend was a giant! A real life big giant! Mom had shown me giants on tv but I'd never seen one in real life. I can't imagine someone being bigger than a house! That would be soo cool! My Mom seemed to think I would be scared of someone that big, but I'm super brave, so I don't get scared of anything. I'm even going to go from 2nd grade to 3rd grade next year, so nothing scares me.

Beneath my feet I could feel a slight vibration, like you feel when a big truck rumbles by the house. I looked around but didn't see a truck.

"That must be Joe. Remember, he's super kind and friendly, and very excited to meet you," my Mom explained as she gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

Mom's giant friend finally came into view, and I felt my whole body start to shake. I'm not sure if I was shaking because of Joe's giant footsteps, or because I was scared out of my mind, but I knew I was not about to stick around to meet this giant. I snatched my hand out of Mom's grasp and ran back inside our house as fast as I could. I didn't have time to think of a good hiding spot so I chose the hiding spot I used the most frequently, which was under my bed. My mom was right behind me, as she kneeled down beside my bed, and raised the covers up so she could see me underneath.

"Morgan, it's okay. Remember he's super friendly. You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm n-n-nervous,"

"It looks like he's here. Are you sure you don't want to go say hi?"

"I don't know."

"How about this... I'll go say hello, and you can look out the window and see, he's super nice. You know I'd never bring anyone around who'd harm you," Mom reassured me as she exited my room.

From under my bed I could still feel vibrative movement, along with the vibrations created from the impossibly deep rumbling voice I was certain was greeting my mom. When I finally worked up the nerve to peer out of my window I saw the most enormous man I'd ever seen before, holding my mom, who looked tiny in his massive hand. I held my breath as I watched the two interact. How was my mom so brave while interacting with someone so huge?

Oh no! I must have been staring for too long, for the giant man had now turned to face me. He slowly leaned toward my bedroom window before lowering his hand with my Mom in it, to the window. Mom opened up the window and beckoned me forward. Of course I ran to my second favorite hiding spot, my closet, and shut the door. Mom soon joined me in the closet where she sat next to me. The two of us were silent at first, but Mom finally broke the silence.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Mom asked.


"The big guy you just saw outside, might be more scared than you are right now."

"What? Why?"

"That's my special friend, Joe, and he's scared to meet you."

"Me? But I'm not scary!"

"Of course. But, Joe has been scared that you would be too afraid of him."

"I'm not,"

"Oh? Is that why you're in this closet right now?" Mom rebutted, giving me a knowing look.

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