Ch. 48

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"Parisa!" Joe's voice boomed once again, as we all searched for Parisa. Jacob had been put on a time out from searching, which I'm pretty sure was because Joe was nervous about him watching his step. Daria was looking behind every potential human sized hiding spot, and I was assisting on that end as well. Luckily it wasn't nighttime so we could all see clearly... we very quickly started to run out of places to search, so we called the police. I was suddenly entrusted with looking after Jacob while Joe and Daria talked to the police.

"I shouldn't have counted so high," Jacob said as I sat in his bed on the opposite side from him.

"None of this is your fault,"

"But If I had only counted to 20 my eyes wouldn't have been closed for so long and then whatever human must have took her wouldn't have gotten away,"

"Wait, why are you so sure a human got her?" I questioned.

"If I'm not paying attention it's really easy for humans to sneak up on me cuz I'm so big. That's why it's so much easier to find Joe when we play hide and seek verses finding Daria. Even though Daria is a grown up she's still really little. Like you,"

Hmm. Jacob might actually be onto something. And if this was in any way connected to River going missing, then it would make sense that a human was behind it. Afterall, they'd found a human sized hole created with a light beam, which is a human invention, when River had gone missing in her room. It would have basically been impossible for a giant to have broken into Trent's house and kidnap River with all of us around. But how easy had it been for a human to slip by Joe and Trent's dad, Trent's mom... Trent.

Trent. I wanted the comfort of Trent more now than ever. And I was starting to understand the full level of hurt he must be feeling over River. I haven't even known Parisa long and she already feels like family... I mean now that Joe and Daria are technically married, Parisa is technically my little sister. This was awful. I can't imagine how scared Parisa must be... Just as River must have been... or must be. Ugh. This is so messed up!

My phone buzzed in my pocket for the 3rd time since I'd been sitting here trying to console Jacob... and myself. I finally slipped my phone out, hoping to see a missed call from Trent, but instead I saw a call from Aaron. Mother Earth... not Aaron. Aaron is not the person I need to talk to at this time... But then he rang me AGAIN. Bloody heaven, this had better be urgent.

"Aaron, is everything okay? It's not a good time for me-"

"I think I know where they're taking Parisa!" Aaron blurted out on the other end.

"What? Are you serious?"


"Funny, this reminds me of that time Jade showed up at my house, brought me to you, and you two left me alone in the house of the very guy who referred to me as an "it", grabbed me without asking, and dropped me on the first day of school."

"That mean," Jacob said, hearing my end of the conversation.

"Jacob, could you take me back to my room? I have to talk to someone but I'll come back after, okay?"

Jacob carefully lifted me into his little but still big fist, and gently led me to my room. Once alone I circled back to Aaron.

"Okay Aaron. You have 1 minute to tell me what's up."

"Ok so everything I'd been saying that night is kind of true. My dad's in on this, Billy's dad at least knows about it, and I'm honestly scared. I-I found this stuff..."


"The girl who lives with you now... Parisa? She's gone now, right?"

"Yes. How in all of New Earth do you know that?!" I questioned feeling my heart begin to race even more now.

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