Ch. 42

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"Morgan, Aaron Trust is here to see you."

What? I looked at Joe and was completely confused. First of all I was weirded out by the fact that Aaron of all people was here, and second of all, I was weirded out by the look on Joe's face. Joe looked like he was about to start laughing when he announced that Aaron was here.

"Are you serious?" I asked, trying to gauge if Joe was being sarcastic.

"Yes. He's out front. Would you like a lift?"

"Why do you look so happy?"

"I just had some quick words with Aaron, that's all," Joe replied, smirking once again. Oh good. "Quick words" ha. I'm sure that meant Joe just put the fear of God in Aaron or something. I agreed to hitch a ride via Joe's hand to our front door where Aaron was in fact standing. Joe placed me down, making Aaron backup so as to not get hit by Joe's hand. Yeah, Joe was deffs doing that on purpose.

"I'll be in the kitchen cleaning up if you need me. Oh and Aaron, remember what I said,"

"What was that all about? A-and what are you doing here?" I asked Aaron once Joe was gone. Aaron looked at me, seeming about as uncomfortable with this visit as I was.

"Hey. I um... I came to apologize,"


"Listen, I knew you were my dad's bio daughter, and I was jealous. Everyone was fighting to have you... Our dad acted like you were better than me,"

"You dad, not our dad," I corrected.

"Well, he's literally royalty back on Earth... a fact I didn't realize until the trial. I guess it makes sense why he put so much weight into you guys being blood related,"

"Ugh, don't remind me,"

"Ha, yeah. I get it. He's really messed things up for you... and I didn't help... So basically I want to tell you that I'm sorry for everything. The way Jade and I tricked you, and I'm sorry for everything that went down. I'm sorry I said shit about your real dad, Mr. Mangello. I get it now. In fact, I guess I'm still kind of jealous that you got adopted by a dad so willing to fight for you,"

"Wow. Okay... um, apology accepted,"

"Friends?" Aaron asked, holding out his hand, ready to shake mine.

"Alright,"I finally replied.

After Aaron left I made my way onto my familiar walk-ways that lead me back to Joe faster. After not being allowed to even talk to Joe, I couldn't help but want to be around him right now. Earlier I thought Joe might think I was being too clingy, but it appeared that he too wanted to spend the entire day together as well.

"Is Aaron Trust still here?" Joe asked, noticing me as soon as I'd entered our kitchen.

"No, he just left,"

"What was that about?"

"He randomly apologized. It's weird... but i guess it's good,"

"So you didn't punch him in the nose again?"

"Ha, no, not this time,"

"Can't say I'd be mad, however I don't want you breaking your hand again of course."

The two of us laughed before deciding to pick out a movie and veg out on the couch together. We decided on a scifi movie that's apparently super popular on earth. About 20 minutes into the movie our doorbell rang once again. Joe reluctantly went to answer the door. I heard the voice of another giant I easily recognized. Trent.

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