Ch. 2

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I stepped through the human entrance to find low ceilings and other beings my size waiting in line to check out their electric scooters. (Thanks Joe) I let out an audible sigh at the sensation of being in an environment actually sized for me. Apparently my sigh was loud enough to compel the human in front of me to instigate conversation.

"This is pleasantly not what I was expecting," the friendly stranger in front of me said as he turned to face me.

I laughed as I felt my brown skin heat up. This stranger was CUTE with a capital C! He had a halo of curly brown hair framing his face of pale smooth skin, that was a large contrast to his dark features. Staring at him I was immediately captivated by his smile. His lips held a natural red hue that I'm sure any girl would be jealous of. And don't even get me started with his teeth. OMG. His teeth were so pearly white, and bright, that they can only be described as incandescent.

"Yea, I don't mind them going easy on us," I replied, flashing him my own less impressive smile. I need to make a note to invest in white strips soon!

"I'm Aaron by the way," he replied, reaching out his hand.

"Nice to meet you," I answered as I shook his smooth hand.I was homeschooled since my mom died, so I'm a little rusty on the whole normal human interaction thing.

A silence fell between us.

"And you are...?" Aaron asked as his smile seemed to somehow glow even brighter.

Wait, what was he asking?

"Uh.. I-I'm a capricorn."

Aaron let out a loud snicker before responding, "Amazing, I'm also a capricorn. But... I was just asking your name."

"Ohhh. I-I'm sorry. I'm Morgan," I finally said as I felt like a living face-palm emoji.

Before I had the chance to stick my foot in my mouth again, it was Aaron's turn to get his scooter. He shot me another dazzling smile followed by a wink before turning to grab his scooter.

"Good luck Morgan," Aaron said by way of goodbye.I absolutely hoped to see this Aaron again. For now, it was time to focus on making it to my first class.


The scooters...

While I've had the unique opportunity of honing my skills on a Fuse e-scooter over the past 5 or 6 years since Joe let me try one... the other humans have not. This lead to "Scootergate 2k50"

In theory, the human halls were intended to run like a smooth highway system. Of course these halls were designed by giants who don't actually use human highways... So these halls had no lanes, no speed limits, and no traffic signs etc. However, what they did have was teenagers, scooters, and chaos.

To get to each class we were supposed to take the elevator that's number matched our classroom's number. Once our scooters were parked in the elevator, the elevator led directly to a human seating area in each class. This 'human area' included a parking spot for our scooters, and human sized desks.

As I attempted to travel via scooter in a civil manner I was bumped and bombarded by fellow humans trying to get the hang of the scooters. With the hum of the 1 minute warning bell, complete chaos broke out as students sped and rushed to their elevators, ultimately activating everyone's bumper safety feature and creating a comical hallway of bumper scooters. After spending these past months basically only interacting with Joe, who has to be careful and apologetic with me, it was somehow liberating to collide with people who weren't afraid that their contact was going to hurt me.

The session bell rang, signaling that class had begun right as I slid into the correct elevator. There was another student, a girl with short blonde hair, right ahead of me. Before the elevator doors could close a third student crashed into the elevator, almost creating a domino effect with our scooters.I surprisingly recognized the third student.

"Aaron?!" I discovered in unison with the other girl in the elevator.

Aaron was cracking up at the situation. The other female and I seemed to pause to take in the situation before joining Aaron in a fit of laughter. This was the most care-free fun I'd had since losing my mom.

The three of us were so wrapped up in the ludicrous situation that we didn't realize our elevator doors had opened and revealed us as three laughing humans on scooters. Oh, and that is three laughing humans on display for a shocked and silent classroom of giants. It wasn't until the three of us heard the abrupt sound of our giantess teacher's vibrative voice that we snapped back to reality.

"Excuse me! Class has begun, and you are all late! Now because it's the first day I'll let it slide... However, in the future, if you are late, I'll have to issue a tardy.. And as I was just explaining to our on-time students, two tardies in one week will result in detention." Said our new teacher.

The human desk area was really just a "giant sized" desk attached to our elevator in the front row of the classroom with six human sized desks on top.

The three of us quickly and sheepishly parked our scooters and grabbed a seat. That's when I first realized the three of us were the only humans in the class.

Of course for this "multimedia communications" class our first assignment was to partner up and conduct interviews with each other, in order to create a multimedia presentation about our partner, to be shared at the end of the week. When it came time to partner up I looked to partner with the... attractive Aaron, I'd met earlier, but he had already partnered with the only other human student. (Aaron partnered with the blonde female from the elevator) This left me to find myself sat at my desk feeling like the ultimate loser.

The giantess teacher, who we now know is named Mrs. Hollaway, spoke over the class chatter again, "Billy, do you not have a partner? Neither does this litt... Student up here. The two of you will have to be partners. We have an even number of students, and we do not discriminate in my classroom."

"Fine," rumbled who I'm assuming was BIlly. However, This now confirmed that assumption truly is the mother of all mistakes. While assuming that this was Billy was correct, I continued on the path of assumption, and assumed he would come and sit in the seat portion of the giant desk our human desks were sat on. I assumed wrong...

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